Oct 10, 2005 20:33
I totally forgot I even had a livejournal. So lately not much has been going on. Preston left on his mission already. I am so sad, I miss him already. But I have my final check up tommorow on my leg than I can start dance!! yay. I get to meet david hopefully this weekend. I am excited. I get to tease them in person now. YAY. But I also need to get away from high school drama. I just want to slap ppl. Drama blah. But anyway nothing much is new. OHHH my room flooded friday night. I woke up to the sound of water flipped on my light and there was massive water everywhere. So we tore apart my room so im camping out in aces room. Blah. But ya. MOm is on a rampage so got to go. lata