Jun 20, 2005 00:37
I have been so bored lately... I swear i just roam the house and talk to myself. I was so bored i actually played legos yesterday. How pathetic. All my friends are on something called a family vacation... I dont even know what that means. My "friend with benefits" is up at byu, and hes being a poo head and forgetting about me. No jk, but he is being a poo head and being a total bore to talk to. OH we lost max and we could not find him at all. Mom and even dad were crying. Then we checked the cars and he pops right out of the jeep. the little terd. Now only if eddie would pop out of something i would be a total happy camper. I think the stupid lady across the street catnapped him. I thing she will find a nice flaming terd on her porch. I hope she rots. Im not bittr though. nOpe. Well thats all my nonsence for now. Peace out (KIP VOICE)