I have written a grand total of 4 posts in 2014. That is very pathetic. (I don't think anyone is still on Live Journal anymore...)
Looking back 2014, quite proud of the few things I have achieved
1. Met up with friends more regularly
2. Saved up more money (which I bombed on 2 extravagant trips to Japan)
3. Attended many many concerts
4. Took up more challenges at worked
5. Attened Korean classes (nope, not learning Korean because my actual progress has been zilch)
6. Exercised regularly for brief periods of time
7. Managed to remain somewhat happy and sane
Some of the things I didn't quite do well
1. Eat healthier
2. Read more books
3. Improve my language skills
4. Improve other core skills at work
So here are my goals for 2015
1. Cut down number of hours spent at work, all for a better work-life balanace
2. Improve my Japanese and Korean
3. No big holidays this year
4. Save more money
5. Eat healthier
6. Exercise regularly
7. Perform better at work
8. Be happy
8. Read more
So here's to a (hopefully) better year ahead!