(no subject)

Feb 03, 2010 01:02

Fell off the happy wagon today and had a public "wahhh" today over Wentz's shenanigans. Disappointed in myself and obviously crushed upon hearing the news, I did what I thought was best and went to bed.

So, I believe I'm now ready to look at this in a positive light. Okay, it sucks. A piece of my childhood has died. Since my first listen of Take This To Your Grave, I knew this band would be one of those bands. They were one of the first bands that made me excited about music. Like, where I'm burning CDs for people that don't even want them, just because I'm so stoked on them.

So, there ends an era. Not going to pretend it wasn't entirely unexpected. But you know what? While there may never be any more Fall Out Boy, there will be Patrick Stump's long awaited solo career, Burning Empires, and my hoping-to-god Joe's Full-Time Morrissey Covers Band. They'll never be Fall Out Boy and may never mean as much to me as Fall Out Boy did, but it's not the end of them all, or the end of the world.

I would rather them end this way, before they ended up killing each other and producing music that lacked the heart and passion of the Fall Out Boy we all know and love.

And who am I kidding? There'll never be another Take This To Your Grave. That album is FLAWLESS.

via ljapp

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