There are no toothbrushes in Azkaban

Jun 12, 2004 11:15


Met mjlee and wax_jism for sushi and fannish babble last night, and then we went to see PoA. I enjoyed it as much as the first time, and loved on my favorite bits even more.

Boys. Dormitory.

Snape spreading his arms and trying to protect the children from the werewolf. Aww, Snape.

The bit where the trio thinks they're seeing Buckbeak's execution and they all cuddle-huddle. On the whole, I really like what the movie did with physical interactions between people, especially those three. On our way to MJ's place, trying to avoid the worst of the rain puddles, we talked about how Ron and Hermione are so adorably self-conscious nine times out of ten when they touch (or don't touch, as outside the Shack), whereas Harry and Hermione hug and hold hands and sit close and generally grab on to each other without a second thought and no embarrassment at all. Really well done, I thought. Not that I'm a Ron/Hermione shipper or anything. *innocent look* I don't really feel much involvement in whether or not any of the three of them eventually get romantically entangled, or not, but when I look, Ron/Hermione is what I see.

There are no toothbrushes in Azkaban! Well, there wouldn't be. Poor Sirius. I'm really curious about the administrative side of Azkaban, actually. Are there house elves there? (Poor things. I can totally see this just because the wizarding world might not think twice about sticking house elves with a really crappy job like that.) I mean, they can't have human staff, it'd be just as horrid for them as for the prisoners, but I can't really see the Dementors cooking and cleaning, you know? And still, someone feeds those people, however badly. Maybe they get regular veggie deliveries from the mainland and everyone's on an involuntary macrobiotic diet. Maybe the prisoners themselves are on cooking and cleaning duty, but it really doesn't sound from Sirius' comments as though they ever have any degree of interaction with each other. As for the Dementors themselves, I think I'd've found them more scary if they glided and didn't fly around like big dirty dishrags, but hey. Also the freezing cold thing is, of course, symbolic. If they really could freeze water solid in a bottle in seconds from a distance of several meters, all the prisoners in Azkaban would be so very dead by now unless they were all kitted out for a polar expedition. Which, judging by Sirius' adorably chic striped prison suit, they are not.

The scene in the Shack (and its aftermath) makes me squirm with delight. That embrace, which really does not look all that fraternal to me, shock horror, and the "old married couple" line, and the "play with your chemistry set" thing, and just. hee. And Sirius' cheerful non-apology for biting Ron. (Oh, and they might have to take Ron's leg off, if you didn't know.) The Sirius Black method of dealing with werewolves. Snape's protective stance, which I have to mention twice, because. Snape!

The scene where Harry and Snape meet in the corridor in the middle of the night and Harry tells Snape not to shove that thing in his face, I mean to lower his wand... snicker. And then Lupin comes along and is adorable; his mildly affectionate and gently mocking tone when he talks to Snape is too cute. Lupin the jazz baby is pretty cute just in general. It really amuses me that his interactions with Harry could be summed up as "Here, little boy, have some chocolate and let me take you for a long walk in the woods where it's just the two of us."

Loved that it wasn't over till the Fat Lady sang. She was hilarious. And poor Percy. He's Head Boy, did you know?

Love Sirius' proposal-of-marriage pose at Harry's feet. Petting his face! (While Hermione politely retreats to pet the hippogriff.) And Harry wants to say "Yes, Sirius, yes, of course I'll marry you come and live with you! If you promise to brush your teeth."

ETA: It jolts me a little every time Hermione calls Ron "Ronald." I like the origami theme, if two instances are a theme, because the Marauder's Map counts to me :) and is so lovely, secrets folded up secretly, and it really makes me wonder why Draco sends Harry that pretty little crane. "I detest you, so I make a beautiful origami bird for you!" Right. I wonder if Harry unfolded it to see if there were secrets written inside. And Crookshanks really looks exactly like I've pictured him.

Afterwards there was a lot of "Whee!" and a bit of conversation about Ron being the Gimli of the HP movies. He's less jarring as comic relief because comic relief is a more natural part of the HP universe than the LotR universe, and also when I at least watch Ron my viewing is informed by everything I know about him from the books, so I probably see more than what is actually put on screen. Also some conversation about wizarding ability being a metaphor for homosexuality and lycanthropy being a metaphor for aids, and more "Movie! Whee!"

Then we went to MJ's place and watched some favorite Buffy season 4 eps, Pangs and Something Blue and Hush. Got a craving to rewatch all of season 4. Got a craving to rewatch all of BtVS, start to finish. Maybe not this weekend, though.

poa, movies, hp, social life

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