the Lladies, my nose, cut-backs, new icon, rec recs, the perils of performance art, quiet yearning

Mar 30, 2004 20:30

I have a headache. Feel very Eleanor Butler about it - I ill of an head ache. (In case anyone feels like playing Ponsonby, I'm taking applications.)

Spring is here and the world smells of earth again instead of cold and snow and road salt. It also smells of dust and dog shit, but what can you do. I'm spring cleaning like crazy, and just now extended said spring cleaning to my flist, because it's hard to be a domestic goddess when you spend all your time reading livejournal. In theory, said time will now be spent doing much-needed housework, taking health-improving sunny walks, and writing. In practice, I have a feeling I'll be reading other people's flists and playing Uru. Still, worth a try.

I never flock posts, btw, so being on my flist has no sekrit gossip benefits or anything. Everyone sees the same bizarre neologisms.

Got this icon from ratcreature, yay her, and added silly and hard-to-read text myself, because I just had to.

I used to have trouble choosing stories in large fandoms, and then I'd rely on rec pages as a starting point. Now I have trouble choosing rec pages in large fandoms, because there's a zillion of them. Can anyone rec me some good HP recs? (To be read while I am *koff* doing housework and taking walks. Step away from the computer.)

Yes, I'm going to read that choriambic story, as soon as I've forgotten the fairly major plot point I was inadvertently spoiled for, which I'm sure I will in a little while if I don't think about it. Sometimes it's very annoying, being a spoiler-meepy person. Not to mention, I'm spoiler-meepy in reverse, too - I can't talk about stories in progress because I don't like to give away what will happen, and as a bizarre side effect of this, I absolutely cannot stand being second-guessed. I once wrote a story on irc where one character was initially not named, and people kept guessing in chat and I quickly had to name him as someone who hadn't yet been brought up but was still plausible in terms of the story, before they guessed him, too, and I was stuck with Nameless the Janitor from Episode Whatsit. What I learned from this is that it's not good for me to have an audience when I'm writing; I will cheerfully ignore what's best for the story in order not to do what people expect me to do. This is why I could never write a fantasy trilogy. Posting works in progress is fraught with dangers!

I want to see the remix writers revealed. Wasn't that today?

ETA that JC is gorgeous, and I have special powers. w00t!

writing, recs, meta(ish)

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