men and babies

Jan 13, 2004 20:18

cereta directed my attention to this survey on mpreg and this discussion of the survey in roo2's lj. I wanted to answer the survey, since I occasionally read mpreg for various reasons, but I got flat-out stuck at the question about whether I want children and it just gets more complicated after that, so it looks like I'm not making any contribution to the world o' research today.

What I don't think, exactly, is that mpreg is a way for young female writers to explore their sexuality, unless you stick a "fear of" in there somewhere. Sometimes I do get vibes of something being projected, in mpreg that appears to be by young female writers, but those vibes are the vibes of reassurance and best-case-scenario-ness. That's in the stories where someone gets pregnant without intending it, and is all helpless and wibbly and scared, and maybe there's an irate parent, but lo, supportive friends pop out of the woodwork, and the co-parent is steadfast and reassuring. If I were a teenage girl worried about pregnancy, I might write this kind of reassurance fantasy myself. ("Yes, but does it have to be in fandom X?" "Yes, because I am fannish about fandom X, and I have a forum there to make my voice heard.") More often, though, any vibes I get off mpreg are omg wouldn't it be hilarious if ThisGuy got pregnant?!?!!11!!, probably fueled by the same impulse that led someone to make a movie with Arnold Schwartzenegger being, you know. pregnant.

And then there's cool and interesting and thoughtful mpreg, which might explore gender issues or social issues. or not. And mpreg written for all kind of reasons, probably, like the many reasons people write other plot themes.

Seriously, I used to run screaming. I don't know what happened.

For some pretty darn good mpreg, try The World Turned Upside Down by astolat or bettyp's seahorse story. For what is probably more statistically representative mpreg, try the Joshtin archive, where clicking the daddy/mpreg buttons brings you seven stories.

Hi, my name is torch, and I think mpreg is funny. Or sometimes boring, but then I don't read it. Or sometimes good, see specific stories above, and then I reread it. I also like both pickles and ice cream, but not at the same time.

mpreg, recs, meta(ish)

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