Jul 12, 2003 21:50
Apologies to the people to whom I still owe drabbles! I'm working on it - see subject line. :)
A couple of comments on Prospect-L recently made me think a bit about writing (yeah, I know P-L has been driving some people I know nuts, but I've found it quite thought-provoking *g*). The idea came up, as it does now and then, that writers often have a favorite theme, and that some tend to write essentially the same story over and over. (Some more than others. With some writers, when they move into a new fandom you can start placing bets on which character will get to take which predictable role.)
I'm feeling kind of stuck in that situation right now. There's a story I'm all set to start writing, and I suddenly realized that hey, I've written this story before, with this kind of dialogue and this kind of romantic misunderstanding and this kind of deep affection between all the guys and add in a couple of wacky metaphors and some yenta behavior and... yeah, I've written this story before; it seems to be the only story I'm writing in this fandom. Looks like I'm in a rut.
And the thing is, I have at least two other ideas that aren't this story all over again, but I can't seem to go anywhere with them. I'm just stuck here at my own personal McDonalds, turning out the same McSlash over and over. Feh, I say. Of course, I really like this particular story, or I wouldn't keep writing it, but I'm starting to feel a need to branch out.
Maybe a bit of drabbling will help.