Semi-sparkly weekend, with sushi and porn

Jul 07, 2003 17:24

Furniture porn, that is. Get a bunch of slashers together in a room, and what do they talk about? IKEA.

hampden and beyondallreason got in Friday night, or actually more like Saturday morning, and did not as threatened come and wake me up, but went to their hotel across the street and then slept late Saturday. Just when I was wondering whether I should go over and wake them up, they turned up outside my door, bearing gifts: mint aeros, a pink sparkly toothbrush, four Stargate eps on dvd, a blindfold leather hair thingy, socks, and lots of pics of pretty sparkly boys! I now have a lovely baby!Street photo book with lots of pics I hadn't seen before (Howie? Has had more different kinds of bad hair than any one person should have to deal with. It's a good thing he's cute), as well as BSB postcards and an nsync magazine article and backstage pass.

We bought sandwiches and had a picnic lunch, and it became clear to me that this trip was really practice for their upcoming Japan trip. Some deceitful weatherman had convinced them that it would rain all weekend, so C had brought a collapsible mini-mini-mini umbrella to try out. There were a few technical problems, but we solved them, so I'm pretty sure the umbrella is going to Japan. We caught a ferry to the botanical gardens and walked around the Japanese garden part, spent some time in the café (there was a distinct weekend theme of sitting down and drinking things), and got back on the ferry for a bit more sightseeing on the water.

Back in the apartment, M and I watched pretty sparkly boys while C slept on the couch, cuddling a stuffed polar bear. We did get a picture, but I think it's on her camera, so unfortunately not much blackmail material to work with there. We also spent a lot of time looking through IKEA catalogs and talking about sofas and shelves.

Dinner was Japanese, of course. We took a taxi to a Japanese restaurant that was closed for the summer and walked to the next one (with a brief stop at a sweet shop) and had tons and tons of food. I had sushi and didn't actually think it was that bad, and we all fought bravely with the giant noodles. The waiter kept checking on us every five minutes, probably to make sure the noodles hadn't strangled anyone. The way we all waved our chopsticks around, I was more worried someone might lose an eye. Went back here, watched more sparkly video clips, and then C and M went off to sleep somewhere more comfortable than my couch.

We spent a nice lazy Sunday morning watching more you-know-what and talking, and then went to the park for another picnic lunch. It really didn't rain this weekend. At all. Went shopping for candy and pickled herring and ice cream and other essentials, then sat around again with the sparkly stuff and the IKEA catalogs and furnished at least five apartments, by the sound of it. MJ came over, having just spent the day at IKEA, so the furniture talk got really intense, and then we went out for dinner and managed to talk about fandom for a while. Dinner was good, if occasionally weird. I'm still wondering why, when two Swedish and two British women go to a Greek restaurant, the waiter decides to speak Italian to them.

After dinner, the fandom-and-furniture conversations continued. I'd promised to introduce M to tzikeh, but she managed that all by herself, shanghaing the computer while C and MJ and I were discussing what might happen in the last two HP books. Many theories were floated, many characters were discussed, and I got to explain in detail why I love Lupin, which might help in writing the Lupin drabble I still owe. Then we ran out of candy and catalogs and I shooed everyone out so I could get some sleep.

This morning we set out to try to find sandals for M, and failed, though she did buy a beautiful necklace. Consoled ourselves by getting more candy and ice cream. The shop owner was quite taken with C and M, asked me if all Englishwomen were that beautiful, gave us little bits of chocolate, and would probably have made us taste every single ice cream flavor if we hadn't made a break for it. Memo to self: always bring attractive friends when shopping for chocolate. Went into shop because M needed to pick up a little present for someone; came out about an hour later with four t-shirts/blouses (C), a dress and couple of tops (M), and a pair of cargo pants (me), and no present. M got a lovely semi-transparent long-sleeved blouse with pink sequins on it - very JC. Also, when the sequins catch the light just right, she's her own disco ball.

Had lunch, regretted not ambushing muscular young man with Klingon tattoo for his phone number, went back here and packed, and now they've left and I'm all alone.

I might look through a few IKEA catalogs.

M, do you need these numbers you appear to have left on a note on my desk for something? Should I hang on to them for you? Small mysterious notes tend to disappear very fast around here. Also, the second piece of elastic on the hair thingy just came loose, so I've converted it to a leather choker; it looks quite good. :)

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