Weekend fruit salad

Mar 30, 2003 11:44

It seems as though my email died in the night.

I love the cross-fandom fun of the Hogwarts Sorting Hat. Trying to figure out which BSO would be sorted into which house is practically endless fun (and if you can get a good argument going about it, then it's endless... something else).

northernveil came to visit (and demonstrate spring fashions) yesterday. We giggled and had chicken salad and candy and watched a lot of stuff; the high point, at least for me, was Chris on Wayne Brady. My chrislove has reached unprecedented heights. I love him insanely, and I would have his little chris babies. Well, maybe. But he's smart and funny and sweet and he makes me happy.

I lost an hour of sleep to this daylight savings thing. I want it back. Also, want to chat with merryish at some point today. A pox on global time differences.

therealjae had a post some time back where she invited people to explain what it is that makes them like slash as a genre, as opposed to being fans of specific pairing X for specific pairing-dynamic reasons. I've been thinking about this on and off for weeks, and I can't really think of any reasons, only flawed metaphors, mostly about murder mysteries. Because I like mysteries, as a genre, quite a bit, but I don't like all of them, and I don't like just the funny ones or just the hard-boiled ones or just the old-fashioned ones, but I'm not particularly sold on the medical examiner/pathologist subgenre, and maybe I like the intellectual puzzle-solving aspect of mysteries, or maybe I like the sternly moral universe of mysteries because the murderer gets caught, but then again I've enjoyed some where s/he goes free, and maybe it goes back to characters and writing style and following mystery series with the same protagonist, except since I do like the genre, there's gotta be something to the lowest common denominator of, well, a crime getting committed, and usually, though not invariably, solved.

See the big flaw in the metaphor there? Yeah, me too. But I like slash as a genre, and I like some of the subgenres and others not so much, and maybe it goes back to writing style and characters, but there's something to the lowest common denominator, which I guess is that there are these guys that someone's fannish about and there's some kind of emotional/sexual charge between them, and usually, though not invariably, they hook up.

I don't know, I'd quite like to spend more time thinking about this, and figuring out all the various things that attract me to slash (sexy guys that I'm fannish about! Occasionally, sexy guys that someone else is fannish about!), but otoh, I'd never devote that amount of time to trying to figure out why I like mysteries, or SF, or indie bands from the 80's, or whatever.

and look, I left the f/f part of slash out of the picture there. sigh.

I've put my remix story up on my site now:

The Abdul theory (extended behind the scenes two-for-the-price-of-one rhinestone romance remix)
There's something going on with Chris and Lance, and Justin is sneaky, and JC isn't kidding.

The remix thing? Lots of fun. I felt so strangely free with only one challenge due (the crossover thingy), so now I'm attempting to sign up for the annoying songfic one. (Also, dear lj fairy, if you're out there, I haven't forgotten.) Now for more weekend fun... or at least food.

hp, slash, meta(ish), popslash, remix, fiction

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