Mar 22, 2003 19:13
Two out of three moderately trendy clothing stores downtown are playing Justified. I had one of those disturbing chains of reasoning happen while I was browsing springwear and humming along in one of said stores: a, I could totally see JC in most of the outfits, b, I deduced from this that the clothes were meant for sixteen-year-old girls, and c, I realized that deducing b from a said rather a lot about which parts of fandom I've been playing in lately.
Going from XTC's Dear God to nsync's I Need Love on the playlist... ow, brain.
I only had time to read three remix stories before the names were revealed, so I couldn't play guess-the-remixers very well, but I don't think I'd've managed to guess who did what anyway. Browsing around to see what other lj users said about the remixes, I noticed that many people said thank you to their anonymous remixer person and pimped the remix of their story, when the remixes were first announced, in much the same way that people said thank you to their secret santas.
I'm trying to figure out how to say something about that without it coming out all wrong. If I say it had never occurred to me that this was something to say thank you for, am I going to sound disingenuous, stupid, or just rude? I mean, I'm delighted that my story was remixed, because this was such a cool setup, and I was happy to send fb, but I never thought of the remix as a gift to me, personally. I had a lot of fun writing a remix, but I never thought of it as being a gift to the original writer, either, though obviously I'm not gonna be unhappy that she did like it. With the dwnoga stuff, I was deliberately trying to please someone, based on what they had requested. With the remix, I was just having fun with a writing experiment.
Then again, if people want to say thank you, how could there be anything wrong with that? I was just... well, you know when you come to a party and you realize that a lot of the other guests have dressed to a different level of formality, and you wonder if you misunderstood what the invitation said? I'm not casting aspersions on anyone's veracity when they post to say they really love the remix of their story, not at all. Many of the stories that I've read so far totally rocked, and I love the remix concept as such. This isn't about the quality of the stories, or anything like that; I'm just wondering if I'm not picking up on some social or cultural subtextual information or cue that was perfectly obvious to everyone else, since so many people responded the same way to being remixed.