Took so long to get this far

Mar 16, 2003 18:48

merryish is a kind, kind person, especially for editing remix stuff for me and keeping me awake till it was all done. Now I'm typing in the beginning of my Howie/Justin story for allecto's crossover challenge, which I wrote in a notebook during the past week. Maybe I shouldn't have used the purple gel pen. Practically every word makes me cringe. I don't know if it's just the experience of having to write it all over again, or if it really does suck and I should try the other Howie/Justin idea instead, the one I got from eponymous. It could be the purple that makes it look so purple.

I sorted through old mail folders and found some posts I made to SlashPoint once upon a time, and realized that if I were on a mailing list with my younger self now, I'd disagree with me all the time. I was far more earnest than I remember being. There's all this stuff about romance codes and genre classifications and wanting my story to be read just as a story and trying not to judge others' stories based on classification, either, and this must have been while I was still fandom-monogamous; once I started reading and writing in more and more fandoms, I stopped thinking of genres (slash, het, gen) and pairings as anything other than "ooh, practical." It's not that I refuse to read gen or het in all my fandoms, but it pretty much depends on which fandom, and which characters, these days. I need a filtration system other than just "try it and see," and sorting out the gen from the slash and the JC/Justin from the Syaoran/Sakura is a good start.

Then I turn around and make life more difficult for other people by not labeling the gen stories on my site as gen. This seems inconsistent and inconsiderate. I just get confused, with some of the stories, trying to decide what's plain gen and what's subtext on a Smallville level and what's really slash, at least if you squint just right.

And here is something that looks like a defense of fanon. Interesting. I'll have to think about that and see if I can write it up and make something of it. I wouldn't have expected that from my past self. And something about unequal relationships, and a parody of slash elements, and stuff. <-- Placeholder paragraph. Actual content may follow at some point.

crossover challenge, labeling, meta(ish), remix

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