
Feb 28, 2003 11:02

This has been one of those weeks that reaffirm my love for the fannish editing process. No deadlines - nothing that needs to be finished within the week, day, hour. No house style to conform to, no paying customers who have the final say in what goes. No pressure to add a thousand words, or cut five hundred. Editing suggestions can be considered and reconsidered at leisure. Most luxurious of all: I can say no. No, I like this silly plot twist. No, I want to keep my original word choice, it works for me.

I know there are people who don't want to bother with editing, because they find it no fun and too much like work. For me, though, fannish editing is nothing like work. Not compared to, say, work.

I have a craving to read more Escapade con reports.

Mild puzzlement of the day: people who send feedback on a story and don't tell you which story it is. Especially critical feedback. They'll say these interesting things - I like the style you're using here better than the writing in your other stories, or I don't think this ending works - and I'll write back full of happiness and anticipation and ask which story they're talking about and then they never reply. ::wistful sigh:: Hey, I want to learn and grow as a writer! My mind-reading is pretty wonky, though. Give me some context and I'll love you forever.

beta reading, crit, writing, feedback

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