Sparkle, sparkle, little star

Jan 10, 2003 01:12

Yay, fun! northernveil came over, and we watched MSG and made pizza and watched clips and giggled and sang rather a lot. Also, she braided my hair, so I look all cool. We've seen the Timberlake hips o' doom, we've heard JC say "because... yes," we've made meeping sounds over Chris, we've had chocolate. A pleasant evening was had by all. I'm not going to watch MSG again tonight, I'm not, I'm not. At least not the whole thing.

(Lemme know when you get home, northern? I'm worried you somehow missed the train.)

And I can't post, and lj is all nuts, and trickster went boom, and... heck, I turn my back on the net for a few hours...

So if I can't post, I can babble. I don't really like the gift paradigm. Or the economics one. Or the art show thing, or the, um, that other one I saw somewhere. I'm scared of analogies, because they always go wrong somehow, and people start arguing about the analogies and straying (sometimes pretty far) from what I see as the actual issues.

"Well, when I give/get a gift--"
"Well, when I buy/sell a product--"

I don't think of the stories I write as either gifts or products, or of the feedback I send as a thank you, a gift, or a payment. If I say that I write stories and feedback to participate in the fun, to make connections, and to contribute to the ongoing fannish dialectic, is that going to get me in trouble? When I write stories, I'm saying something about the guys. When I send feedback, I'm commenting on, agreeing with, or disagreeing with what someone else said about the guys, or the way they said it.

Sounds pretty boring, really, and possibly simplistic. But that's me, and my actual issues are not other people's actual issues, and how I see things doesn't affect how other people see things, much, so there's still the big ol' Collision of the Paradigms waiting to happen. People never act and react the way they would in my ideal world, and neither do I.

etiquette, feedback, meta(ish)

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