Mostly I'm quiet here because I save the typing for the story o' doom, but lately I've been quiet because of playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. Very slowly and relatively thoroughly. (Yes, this has made the storywriting slow down a fair amount.)
And today I finished my first playthrough!
Not with the character I meant to, either. My first inquisitor was a Carta girl, but I kept being thrown by people referring to her as a Trevelyan, so I thought, well, maybe they'll fix that in the patch, I'll just make a Trevelyan in the meantime. So I created a Trevelyan boy, and ran them both in parallel for a while, but then he fell terribly in love with Dorian and I had to keep the storyline going to find out if he could manage a HEA. (He could, with a bit of strategic reloading.)
I'm about to get back to the Carta girl, to see if she manages to woo Blackwall -- he has a beard, she approves. The patch thing, well. I haven't actually installed the patch released, mainly because wayyy down on the list of things the patch does, there's "Target lock is cleared when entering tactical mode," which I had to reread three times before I could believe they would do that to me. But apparently they would. Because why would anyone want to target enemies in regular mode, when you can actually see them, and then switch to tactical mode, which has an auto-attack, so you can get to them...
Yeah, so I'm not hardcore. I also have crappy hand function. But I did manage to kill all ten dragons before endgame. Kinda cranky that the achievement for that isn't updating.
I liked the game. It's pretty and full of things and stuff. And I think the party banter is absolutely fantastic, so my heart bleeds for the people who've got the no-party-banter bug. It's kind of sad that thinking back on it now, I mostly remember the annoyances, like being unable to finish collections not because I can't do it but because the game is actually broken in that way (looking at you, Exalted Plains, and your absent 21st region). I grew used to the jumping, even. (But that shard in Lady Shayna's Valley? I was ready to strangle the dragon with my bare hands when I finally managed to get it. Hmm, maybe that's the idea, get the players all aggravated first...)
I enjoyed Skyhold, though I kept getting lost in it. (Also it did kinda come across as, well. I had trouble believing that there was no storage for stuff-and-things at Skyhold, not because a game must have it, necessarily, just -- I've got a whole castle, and no room to put down a few spider glands for later? My disbelief was not properly suspended, there.) Flailed my hands every now and then at people in chat, saying "I've got a tower I didn't even know about!" and "I've got a garden full of priests!" and "There are all these Orlesians in masks all over the place!" Not to mention the ever-popular "I've lost insert-companion-name-here!"
So, now to find out all the other ways to kill a dragon. And what the other romances are like. And I think I'd like to play a mage at some point. And see Cullen lose his shirt at cards again.
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