random is as random does

Apr 10, 2013 19:16

So I realized the only way I'll ever get a post done is by typing it bit by bit in a text editor, deciding at some point that it's done. And I also realized that this won't happen if I don't actually start. So this is a start. *g*

I don't quite know what to do with myself. Between November 14 and sometime in mid-March, I wrote a story of about 109K words; this writing filled up my time and my thoughts, and now that it's done, I feel bereft. I mean, now what?

Okay, I don't quite know what to do on a practical level, either. What I wrote was a game playthrough for Dragon Age: Origins, from the POV of one of the NPCs in the game. And of course I want to post it at some point, although I have serious doubts about anyone reading it. I just... well, I'm deeply devoted to the concept of beta reading, but none of my usual wonderful beta people have ever played the game. One of them is reading it anyway, as a story, not for beta purposes, which strikes me as heroic, really.

I know there's a DA fandom out there; I think it's mostly on tumblr, which makes me think it might be too fast for me. (I'm starting to think lj/dw are too fast for me. and possibly life in general.) There's a kink meme where I've played a little, and the current DA:Origins post on that kink meme is actually pretty lively. But the thing about anon kink memes is, it's not really the ideal way to meet people, let alone meet people and say "hey, would you beta read 109K words for me?"

I like the kink meme, and I fully intend to play some more there, but I'm slightly hampered by my inability to post anything unfinished, and also my inability to make promises I might not be able to keep, as in, oh I'll write this for you! I mean, what if I get tired and uninspired and...

There's also the part where I'd have to come up with some kind of artificial chapter division for the story if I post to ao3, because it's too long for the upload window thingy to take as a single file. I'm just not a chapter kind of person. It's not how stories happen to me.

I wish people would stop writing illusive when they mean elusive.

Also I wish people would stop using dominant as a verb and dominate as a noun/adjective. It gives me a headache.

I mentioned, yes, that I'm very fond of all my wardens, and that their stories play out in my head. Right now I've imported Aedan Cousland the Fairly Grim Rogue into Awakening, and he's stomping about being grimmer than ever. His beloved Alistair died to kill the archdemon and stop the Blight, but now there's darkspawn all over the landscape anyway, so he wonders if Alistair died in vain, and also if this black leather outfit really becomes him. He just had a really tense exchange about sacrifices for the greater good with a woman who was married to a now-dead warden, and I think he's about to go home to Vigil's Keep and find a corner to cry in.

Also, he killed Velanna, which kind of took me by surprise.

When did smashing and crashing get to be so popular? Seems like every other story I start to read these days has people smashing their mouths together, which, ow. I keep thinking about split lips and chipped teeth. Then they crash their groins together, which doesn't really sound like fun, either. Sometimes it's the other way around -- smashing groins and crashing mouths. Have I missed a trend? When is it going to stop? Ow.

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dragon age, fannish musings, writing

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