2011: the year in writing

Jan 02, 2012 22:02

And now for a short meme, along the lines of "did I write anything last year, anyway?" This is mostly for myself, because I lose track so easily (and I think I forgot to do one of these last year, or at least, I can't find it).


Saiyuki Gaiden, hot as snow, Tenpou/Goujun, and strictly speaking this belongs to 2010, but I posted about it on January 1, 2011, so. *g* 1,200 words, R.

Harry Potter, in the right hands, Remus/Sirius, 8,000 words, NC-17.

Gundam Wing, like a flower, Heero/Relena, 1,250 words, NC-17.

Bleach, petals and ashes, Byakuya/Renji, 900 words, NC-17.

Bleach, fragile and expensive, Urahara (and Chad/Ichigo), 1,000 words, NC-17.

Loveless, with his own ears, Ritsuka (and Youji/Natsuo), 500 words, PG.

Gundam Wing, assigned quarters, Duo/Wufei, 1,400 words, NC-17.

February (because the porn meme went on for a few more days)

Bleach, never to be told, Kenpachi/Byakuya, 1,400 words, NC-17.

~swirly effect of time passing~

August (aka the start of the next porn meme)

Bleach, time has got nothing to do with it, Ikkaku/Yumichika, 500 words, R. ish.

Naruto, Loud, Might Guy/Iruka, 180 words, maybe R.

Gundam Wing, was soaked in the body, Trowa/Quatre, 900 words, NC-17.

Yami no Matsuei, the lamplight dice of the body, Tsuzuki/Hisoka, 1,000 words, PG.

Yami no Matsuei, sequel to the lamplight dice of the body, uselessness and duck, Tsuzuki/Hisoka, 1,400 words, NC-17.

Cardcaptor Sakura, in the interior of the sky, Touya/Yuki, 1,000 words, NC-17.

Naruto, floated on heat, Kakashi/Iruka, 970 words, NC-17.

Naruto, who understands and loves, Haku, 650 words, R.

~more time-swirliness~


Teahouse, sprinkles & cream, Reed/Rory, Rhys/Axis, various other pairings, 7,300 words, PG-13.

[currently redacted], [redacted], 650 words, [redacted]. That is to say, written for a challenge that hasn't gone live yet, but the actual writing was done on Dec 30.

That adds up to 18 pieces in 9 fandoms, and a total of 30,200 words. I really want to count the unfinished Naruto story currently at 37,800 words, but the key word there seems to be unfinished. I'm such a sad person. Really hoping I can pick that up again, now that yuletiding and holidaying are mostly past. Anyway, conclusions to be drawn here, one, this was my year of not capitalizing titles, and two, give me a porn meme and I will, in fact, write. a little. Yay?

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