One Piece, yuletide

Nov 06, 2011 12:25

Have watched the entire Marineford arc. Heart is broken. Send help.

I'm trying to decide what to nominate for yuletide; nominations feel more relevant to my interests now that the number's been cut down, but now I feel like I pretty much have to work out what I'd like to request already, which, eep, so not ready to do that. I'm thinking that I'd really like to nominate and request one of the games I played this summer; I've a melancholy feeling that no one else will be familiar with Hanakage at all, but hey. (More of a problem is that I keep calling one of the characters Australia in my head, since that's how Atlas kept translating his name while I played. Might be better to use his actual name.)

Just wandered off to watch the trailer for the game on youtube and was reminded of how much fun I had. But if I nominate this game, it's quite possible that the only other person who might sign up to write for it would turn out to be someone who thinks Iori's best happily ever after would be with the feckless writer, or the control-freak cousin. While I respect those choices, it's not really where my heart lies. (Go be a happy yakuza, Iori! Much more interesting.)

If I nominate Adventure Inc I can ask for a Mackenzie story again. That'd be nice.

Wah, I'm going to be indecisive for a bit longer. Especially since my head's full of One Piece right now, which is definitely not eligible.

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yuletide, one piece, bl games

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