nothing really. weather. Pern. rosebuds.

Oct 02, 2011 19:05

I had ambitious plans for yesterday, all kinds of stuff I planned to do, but then there was the weather. So I did one tiny errand and then I sat in the sun and read a book for most of the day, because I could sit in the sun and read, in a skirt and a short-sleeved top, and be perfectly comfortable, on October 1. The sky was crisp blue, the leaves turning to yellow gold, and the rowan berries shone bright red and the street was full of fallen chestnuts, gleaming, glowing. Collision of the seasons. A guy picked a rosebud off a seasonally confused bush and gave it to me, which was also kinda cheering, since I was pretty sure I was past the time in my life, or maybe that should be my looks, when people popped up out of nowhere and gave me rosebuds.

So I thought maybe I'd do all that stuff today instead. Warm but overcast, just the day to get things done, except today is clearly my sloth day; I've knitted a bit, read Pern AUs, watched One Piece episodes, and thought vaguely to myself from time to time that I should at least do the dishes. So far, this has not happened.

Instead I'm pondering whether all fandoms have a Pern AU, and if it's as much fun to get your characters Impressed and be-dragoned as it is to stick them in a HP AU so they can get Sorted and festooned in appropriate House colors. (Maybe all AUs need Something with Capital Letters, really.)

I suppose it's not too late to write 100 words. And do the dishes.

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pern au, themes

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