yuletide! revealtime!

Jan 01, 2011 11:19

Well now. Good morning, and happy new year! I feel terribly old -- as the years go on, I dislike more and more staying up late at night and sleeping late the next morning, but the fireworks here went on until well past one.

The anonymity of yuletide is ended! I was so very lucky this year, as I seem to be every year (yay, yuletide!), and I got both a story and a treat.

Scraping Hot Ashes by Wren Truesong is a Master Li and Number Ten Ox story that takes my daft prompt of an AU world in which Grief of Dawn (and Moon Boy) really stayed with Ox and Master Li, and turns it into a charming piece of wackiness about a wedding and its effects on our heroes, with some awesome guest appearances.

And as if that wasn't enough, I also got an adorable yuletide treat, Continuing Rabbits by Rhea, about Aki and Ueno of Sensitive Pornograph and their student life together, a story filled with what I can only call practical sweetness. Both these stories made me utterly gleeful. :) Thank you so much, Wren and Rhea!

I also wrote some stuff. I was totally convinced, before assignments went out, that I'd get Mabel Maney's Nancy Clue mysteries. I was plotting in my head and all. Then I got the email and saw that hey, no, what I was going to do was write Saiyuki Gaiden for mscongeniality.

So I did. :) She asked for backstory about Konzen Douji and Tenpou Gensui, and somehow I couldn't come up with the right kind of idea for a backstory story about both of them, so I ended up writing two little things, one for each.

hungry as winter, 1558 words. This is what the army of heaven does.

This one's about Tenpou, and it's got snow and blood and violence -- I actually put an archive warning for violence on it, which I possibly would have forgotten to do if Ellen hadn't made a gleeping sound in beta. It isn't any more violent than the source material? And I think of myself as being very wimpy about these things.

everything here is yours, 1445 words. There are some things that bureaucracy was not made to deal with.

And this one's about Konzen, in the days after Goku's arrived, but before he's called Goku. I wanted something light-hearted for balance, and everyone who isn't Konzen seems to agree that he needs a bit of shaking up and teasing now and then. So. :)

I'm really grateful to mscongeniality for the prompt/s; I really enjoyed writing both these little stories.

But then I was done, and there was a lot of yuletide left! And it's really hard to say no to Ellen, particularly at this time of year, and also I admit I had a hard time at first making everyone be nice and gen, because in my head at least, Tenpou has a way of giving the impression that he's not a gen story kind of person.

So then there was a pinch hit, Saiyuki Gaiden for starrystarrynight, who wanted Tenpou and Kenren together in a together kind of way. Whereupon I ran into the opposite problem: everyone was very happy being suggestive, but that was as far as I could get them.

slower and sweeter, 2564 words. I'm a general! I'm fully trained!

I really enjoyed writing this, too: a bit more restrained than I'd originally intended, but from their perspective, they have all the time in the heavenly world.

yuletide, fiction, saiyuki

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