the joys of November

Nov 03, 2008 10:10

omg, yuletide signups are open. I'm not ready! (But 372 people are and have already signed up.) I said I wasn't ready when fandom nominations started, either, but I did manage to get those done.

In case you don't know about this yuletide thing, marycrawford wrote up a yuletide for beginners post. It's a good place to start before you tackle the actual Yuletide FAQ, which is ginormous. (Because people ask a lot of questions when it comes to yuletide.)

Mostly what I nominated this year was familiar stuff that I'm sure a lot of other people nominated too: the Coldfire books, Jeeves & Wooster, stuff like that. But I also nominated two fandoms that are new to me, because for once I managed to write a little list during the year of things that occurred to me as suitable, and remember where I put it.

I nominated Little Mosque on the Prairie, a Canadian sitcom about a mosque in a small town (no, really) and the people who attend it, and some people who don't. It's funny and wacky and absurd-in-a-good-way, and also one of the few shows I've ever watched where I actually feel like the people could be my neighbors. (Not me and my neighbors. I personally am a model of sensible restraint, and never do silly things.)

Also, I nominated the Lucifer Box novels by Mark Gatiss, which I just discovered on surfing around a little (the Simon & Schuster website is called simonsays, how adorable) are planned to be a trilogy with the last one coming this month. Lucifer's a self-consciously wicked-but-not-really secret agent, who gets tangled up in the most outrageous adventures. I mostly felt, after reading the first book of Lucifer's early Edwardian escapades, and then noticing the big time gap between books one and two, that there should be room for a bunch of stories in between. Or at least one story, o yuletide, my yuletide, about Lucifer Box and Charlie Jackpot. Don't you think?

*runs around like the White Rabbit* I have to plan my requests. And write my requests. And come up with good prompts for my requests. And compose a dear writer letter. And decide what fandoms to offer. And, and. Eeee! Yuletide!


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