Just thought I'd mention it. You can hold off on the glitter pens and Mountie rescue teams. (I think I'd have more fun with the Mounties than the pens, though, just for future reference.)
The thing about not posting to lj for a long time is I never know what to say when I do post. Compress weeks of daily life? Talk about fandom? Try to address fannish and lj issues? bah. Anyway, I've been keeping busy trying to catch up, and keep up, when it comes to life-in-general, and the downtime bits have mostly been about resting, which sometimes looks like napping on the couch, and sometimes looks like reading a book, and sometimes looks like reading not-so-felicitously-written fanfic and quoting it to dear close unfortunate friends in chat until they try to reach through Trillian and strangle me.
(It's this M7 thing. I mean, I've read a bunch of good stories. Also a paragraph or fifteen of some really godawful ones. My selection criteria here are... well, the thing is, I'm an Ezra fan. And when you go looking for stories about Ezra, you get a whole lot of St Ezra the Misunderstood (tm
temaris), and a whole lot of Ezra Poppins (practically perfect in every way), and also you sometimes get stories which, in order to fully illuminate the grievous martyrdom of St E and/or the staggering competence of E P, do things to Nathan that leave me hoping that my head will explode before I throw up. Hence the need to proceed with caution, and also to read about Chris and Vin having kind of horrifyingly metaphored sex just to clear my mental palate.)
*music changes to cheap and evil girl*
It's snowing. Three months ago I would have been all over that. Now I don't know whether to swear or giggle, and the poor daffodils look so forlorn, poking out of the snowdrifts. I had to get my winter boots back out of storage.
*music changes to david duchovny*
Okay, now I have fandom nostalgia in the worst way. I miss the wacky fun of XF. Or maybe I miss having that fannish zing that let me have all that wacky fun. Wow, I can feel my hair going grey(er) just thinking about this. While I'm at it, I'm going to miss
eliade, too; the wacky fun of XF and the wacky fun of Anna are inextricably tied together in my mind. I even miss the eggbeaters.
Maybe I should round off the evening by watching the last two eps of M7. I've been holding off because I don't like reaching the end of things. I read slower when I get towards the end of a book, too. And I write slower towards the end of a story. It's not the real reason why I have so many unfinished stories, since those have usually slowed down in the middle, but it doesn't really help, either. Or I could watch more Little Mosque on the Prairie, which I have fallen in love with. Or start to catch up on SGA, except... I haven't watched since 409 and it seems that I've fallen out of love. These things cannot be forced.
(In case you're wondering, at this point: yes, still watching SPN. Or I would be if there were any to watch, anyway.) (But not Torchwood. All the Torchwood squee I see makes me wish I could be in on it, but I've come to accept that it's like beer; I know a lot of people like it and it makes them happy, and I say "good for you, have another one" and buy myself a Cosmopolitan.)
Really not dead. This message not brought to you from the other side.
ETA: I also have unanswered-comment guilt of massive proportions. All those get better comments when I felt horrible? They cheered me up so much, and I was and am incredibly grateful. *hugs flist* You brightened up my life, all of you. Thank you.