random love letter

Feb 14, 2008 19:46

Hi, fandom! I'm alive and upright and stuff! And I have a rose and a box of chocolates, which makes me really happy. Thank you, wonderful unknown people, and I hope you have a great day today; I offer you virtual hugs and desirable items of your choice in return. (I kind of want to say bite-sized chocolate ratboys, just out of habit, but I think those have all passed their best-before date by some years now.)

I went back to work this week, and have mostly been using my sitting-upright-at-computer time to do my job, then coming home and flopping over on the couch. But I feel better, and my close relationship with prescription painkillers has turned into a close relationship with over-the-counter painkillers, and I'm sitting here typing instead of lying on the couch watching Buffy (and instead of doing the dishes, oh well), so things are definitely improving.

While I was mostly lying down, I managed to miss the deadline for svmadelyn's Valentine's Day thingy. I had a moment earlier this afternoon of thinking I was going to write something wonderful and loving about every person on my flist and put it in this post instead, and then I regained my sanity; neither my brain nor my typing ability is quite back up to writing wonderful things about eighty-odd people very quickly. (Not to mention, eighty odd people. But that's why I like you all so much.) Just picture it here, okay? Something affectionate and quirky and fond that perfectly captures your personality in just a few words and expresses all the reasons you're so great to be around. I mean it. :)

This is not a GIP, but do you see that pretty icon? It's from this icon post by tvm, which is full of shiny lovely things.

I had this idea I was going to write something about Buffy, since I've watched the whole thing (finished s7 last night!), but the more I think about it, the more it comes out being just about the things that don't make me happy, which is all wrong. There's so much about Buffy that I love, and I'd rather focus on that, and not on the sad fact that s7 and I never really clicked.

And I'm behind on all things fannish, again. I've got several episodes of SPN and SGA to catch up on, which I'm looking forward to, and I'll get back to watching M7, too; I've got a handful of episodes to go there, and I've really been enjoying the show. And there's Avatar, which is a happy place for me. But right now I could do with another short break on the couch. I've got actual chocolates, as well as virtual, so I might have one of those. Or two. I really hope everyone is having a good day, with or without chocolates.

private lives, health, tv shows, buffy

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