happy old year

Dec 31, 2007 16:43

Snow and fireworks. That sounds pretty good; the reality, right now, is more like slush and a lot of loud noise. Oh well.

Am considering a secret identity for the new year. I don't want to be a superhero or anything (at least, not unless I can be the world's most properly- and thoroughly-dressed superhero, particularly in winter), but I'd quite like to be the Comma Fairy, bringing commas to writers who need them (and maybe persuading them that yes, really, they do need them), and taking poor abused commas away from writers who mistreat them. That would be a noble mission.

I'm putting off the writing year in review post until yuletide goes non-anonymous, partly to make a complete round-up and partly because that means I can put off facing up to how little I wrote last year for a while longer. I was a bit distracted from time to time, mostly by health issues. When I feel good, I don't write because I'm busy running around doing stuff, and when I don't feel so good, I don't write because I'm busy sulking about it. (Obviously there's a middle ground or I'd never manage to write anything at all.)

For the past few days, I've barely done anything but read, and I've gotten through 10% of the yuletide stories. I've also worked on getting hold of three movies and a couple of tv series, and I've got a little list of books to be purchased. The entire yuletide archive should wear a giant pimp hat, is what I think. I don't have the brains to make a rec post, and greatly admire the people who have managed it, but there's one story I have to mention: Yule Morning, or, Malvolio's Revenge. It's a play! In five acts! It's utterly fantastic, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Oh, she does not steal herself, though she herself is stolen from; she is accomplice to Sir Toby's thefts, and that makes her the worse--for, pardee, a woman who incites a man to crimes hath always been the guiltier, since Eve stole apples.

Malvolio schemes, Antonio is remembered (in more ways than one), and there is crime and confusion and (of course) cross-dressing. Prisons! Sword-fights! Pirates! And you still have time to read it this year!

private lives, yuletide, recs

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