health, writing habits, reading habits, attention span

Sep 17, 2007 08:34

I had a very Mary Musgrove sort of day yesterday, and it looks like I will have another today: I'm coming down with a cold, and my sore-throats are always worse than anybody's. What I hate most is that I can't sleep properly, because I wake up every time I try to swallow. Oh, woe is me.

Of the good: finished a story yesterday and sent it to beta. I always feel a bit cast adrift after I work intensely on a story for a couple of days and then finish it; I sit around all, well what do I do now? The answer to that, as it turned out, was to watch Hell House and Something Wicked at merryish, and make deep and insightful comments along the lines of, "Dean's mouth is pornography" and "omg Sam! cheekbones! t-shirt!" Also I had ice cream. The only nice thing about a sore throat is that ice cream becomes completely guilt-free.

Am reading Empire of Ivory and feeling smug because it doesn't seem to be out in the US yet; I bought it Thursday, but didn't pick it up until last night, see above re: finishing story. And I've finished Dark Moon Defender, which I liked, even though all my ideas about Justin and Cammon hooking up are now firmly AU. I thought they would be so cute together, but it's not like I was expecting it to actually happen. And I liked the love story I did get. The first book in the series suffered a bit from enthusiastic exposition syndrome, though I really liked it for the love story; the second book, I hated the love story because I have strong feelings about infidelity and both the lovers were married to other people even though only one of them seemed to know it, but enjoyed the world-building/political aspects.

Now I eat leftover soup for breakfast. It's good soup, broccoli and potato and onion, with a bit of coriander and ginger. (Also known as "bottom of the veggie bin" soup.) And I have my book, and a jigsaw puzzle, and the whole internet, and... I hate being sick and I'm bored already, and I have a nosebleed. Possibly I'm moving on from Mary to Camille. I think I'll go watch Sam and Dean kill something.
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