SPN drabble: on the importance of counting to one hundred

May 28, 2007 14:21

I wrote a drabble for mickeym, because she gets so sad about misuse of the term. Then I looked at what I'd posted and my eyes told me it was 99 words, although Word had told me 100. That's just a mean thing to do to a person. I choose to believe that I'm right and Word is wrong, so this version has a bonus adjective.

on the importance of counting to one hundred
Sam/Dean, no spoilers, 100 words no really

on the importance of counting to one hundred

"I'm not counting." Sam pushed up against Dean's hand. "Stupid idea--"

Dean lifted his hand. "Yeah?"

Sam glared, seeing Dean's wicked grin in the headlights of a passing car. "One." Dean unzipped Sam's pants. Another pair of headlights. "Two." Dean was good with his hands. More cars passed. "Twenty-one. Twenty-two."

"Don't lose count." Dean twisted his hand.

Sam breathed through clenched teeth. A pair of high beams nearly blinded him. "Fifty-seven." Perfect, tight grip. "Seventy-th-three… God!"

Dean sat back. "Knew I could get you off before a hundred cars passed. You're easy."

"I hate you," Sam said. "I really do."

drabbles, supernatural, fiction

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