GLEE, and yuletide stuff

Jan 01, 2007 12:32

cannot. stop. giggling.

The yuletide writers have been revealed! And, you know. My story? A Maze of Twisty Passages, All Alike, my shiny Vorkosiganverse story, the Ivan story of my dreams, the bestest yuletide story ever that I've been burbling happily about to all my friends for a week?

merryish wrote it.

I really don't think any more evidence of our intrinsic MFEO-ness is necessary. She lied to me for weeks, and wrote a fake-out story -- actually, she kind of wrote two -- and made me watch three seasons of Boy Meets World to sidetrack me and got other people to keep the secret and help distract me, and... hee. Seriously, I am the happiest girl in all of yuletide.

(Also I can't decide if I'm smug or appalled that karma caught up with her/us. If you weren't around for it: back in 2003, I got Merry as my dwnoga recipient. And I lied to her for weeks, and wrote a fake-out story, and, etc. So you'd think I'd be more suspicious, but seriously, honestly, what were the odds! (But hey, does that mean I can expect astolat to write for me next time, since I wrote for her in 2004...))

In conclusion, I am never going to believe another word Merry says ever, and I'm very very pleased.

In less surprising news, I wrote Coldfire for yuletide this year. And some other stuff. This is what I wrote:

Hunting permit, for Taz. Coldfire.
Rating: PG
Summary: Damien has a new job. The weather could be better.

Day of rest and gladness, a bonus story for elynross. Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Rating: G
Summary: Day of joy and light.

(Which is kind of a lame summary. I am not good at them. Momo and Appa frolic would at least be descriptive!)

And I was all set to tell you about my dwnoga story, too, but those names aren't up yet, so I'm keeping my secret a little while longer!

...Merry. Hee.

yuletide, avatar, coldfire, fiction

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