I decided I had to make an lj post that's not a story or about the World Cup. Especially since I still haven't finished the next snippet, and the World Cup is over and all. I used to make lots of lj posts in my younger and more enthusiastic days! About all kinds of stuff. Okay, mostly about JC being pretty.
And the thing is, maybe I'll make a post about something, and everyone will think it's a post about something completely different. I'm going through an "old geezer" phase, I think, trying to adjust to changes in popular terminology. Like, I've known for years now that OTP doesn't mean One True Pairing any more, it just means a pairing someone likes, and maybe this person has 14 OTPs and three of them are mutually exclusive. This is not my problem. It's not like I use "OTP" to try to find stuff, or anything.
But! I do sometimes use the nifty little acronym PWP to try to find smut morally highstanding and educational reading material stuff. Which I now find gets me a bunch of fluffy little PG vignettes as well, and then I say OMG WTF and search for an NC-17 rating instead, which I always thought was a more inclusive and therefore less useful search term than PWP. When did this change? When did PWP start to get used for character vignettes and humor and other things that already have perfectly good labels and also aren't the smut morally highstanding and educational reading material stuff I'm looking for? Bah.
And a drabble is anything short of a novel, is it? *makes sad little note*
And chan is frequently used as a synonym for shota or lolicon. This is good to remember before saying "Well, I've written chan." Now it's more like, "well, I used to have written chan, but now I probably haven't, any more." I can't decide if this is vaguely annoying or oddly charming.
The kerfufflishness about
oulangi's Snarry recs-and-reviews reenforced the problem with the word review.
oulangi's reviews are free and frank, and some people are a bit upset at the free-and-frank-ness, and also saying that the reviews aren't useful because there's no concrit in them. And I'm all, but why would there be? Reviews! A review expresses the reviewer's opinion, and may be useful to other readers; it's not meant for the writer. Except ff.net in its ineffable wisdom decided once upon a time that reader comments on stories should be called reviews instead of, you know, comments or feedback or something like that, meaning for many people review does mean something intended for the writer. So here we are, in a morass of confused terminology. (Can I blame everything on ff.net? Probably not.)
I think Humpty-Dumpty would love fandom. :)