I found this meme in
marinarusalka's lj that's about listing ten recurring themes or quirks or kinks or what have you in one's writing, and then I thought, only ten?
I have favorite things. I have a lot of favorite things. Like food; my characters eat so much, I think they probably gain a couple of pounds in any given story. I like it when they cook, too. Especially for each other. Food is good, food is sensual, and food is also a splendid thing to use symbolically in any number of ways. Yay, food.
I like it when they sleep together, just sleep, all chaste-like, preferrably with some degree of body contact. On the one hand, I like guys who are close, guys who are friends, who sleep on each other and with each other without thinking twice about it, because that intimacy and trust is lovely. On the other hand, I like guys who aren't close at all, but for some reason or other have to sleep in each other's presence. Maybe even have to touch, or end up touching. One of my favorite Eroica moments is at the end of Dramatic Spring, where Klaus takes a nap and Dorian watches over him. That moment of trust, it kills me every time, it's so sweet.
I like first times, all kinds of first times. First meetings, first touches, first kisses, first admissions of feelings. First time having sex, of course. And virgins, cause oh boy, can you get a lot of first times out of that. (Cue quote from
When You're Strange: I tell you, this guy has so many cherries to be plucked he's practically his own orchard.) But implausible virgins just make me giggle.
I'm usually very clear on what my characters are wearing at any given time. They touch each other on the back of the neck a lot, especially during sex, and they tend to fiddle with their hair, if they have hair. I like bare feet, but it's hard to get the intimacy of going barefoot across in writing.
I have a kink for friendship. That looks weird when I write it down, somehow. I like slash, with the romance and all, but I also like stories about people who are just really close friends, and I don't often find stuff that hits this kink the way I like it to be hit, either in gen or in smarm. Most gen isn't intense enough for me, and smarm is, well, smarm. Brotherly affection is great, too (ooh, protective!Nick...).
These are themes I like, things I like. There's also a list of plot devices and writing tricks I like and possibly overuse, but that's less interesting. Right now I'm trying to chase down a fleeting thought about writing to one's kinks. I've heard "it's a bit too obvious that she likes [whatever]" a few times, enough times to make me think that there are people who think it's embarrassing if they can tell what someone else's kinks are, and probably if someone else can tell what their kinks are, and it kinda makes me wonder if they don't write a lot of what they like because they don't want to be too revelatory, or it doesn't fit their idea of a Serious Story, or, blah, whatever... and what do they end up writing about?
I could've sworn that thought was more coherent before I wrote it down.
Me, I like it when the guy who's bottoming gets on top during sex, and when guys have to wear each other's clothes, and when there's cuddling, and rain, and fireplaces, and finger-fucking, and repression, and hand-holding, and snark, and many details of interior decorating.
Oh, and rimming.