all caught up

Jul 17, 2005 10:18

Yay, I have read HBP! Yay, I have watched Siege III!

There's no way I'm going to catch up with all the reaction-posts on the flist, though. I don't really expect anyone to read this one, either.

I feel the deepest gratitude to the unsung heroes who rip episodes so so fast, and it seems churlish to complain that my download was of poor quality, but the colors were off, which made everything and everyone so much less pretty, woe. Ford, poor schmuck, was less pretty for other reasons. Of course, looking at the Wraith, it seems clear that cosmetic surgery has never really been their thing.

I'm starting to lean towards the theory that werewolves have to take a new first and last name when they get wolfified, because seriously: Remus Lupin and Fenrir Greyback. (Do we get to see Fenrir eat the sun in the last book, and get a bellyache?)

Poor Sheppard, with the whole I see now you did the right thing killing Sumner and I wish you'd killed me too thing. Now I just want to see him and Snape drowning their sorrows in a bar together - with Snape pointing out in great and acerbic detail how it's much worse for him, natch.

ETA that those lj cuts up there contain SPOILERS, not that I think this really needs to be explained to my intelligent readership, but who knows.

ETfurtherA another realization: now we're in for two years of wacky middle names for Regulus Black. Apuleus? Almanzo? Alphonse? I can't wait.

hp, sga

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