So, we are no longer anonymous.
isilya wrote my cool sesa story,
Not Based on a True Story, and
adina_atl wrote my cool yuletide story,
Green Ice, and if I could make my lj post play a cool trumpet fanfare here, I would!
Side note: I've been saying my yuletide and my sesa interchangeably about the ones I wrote, and the ones written for me, and at this point I'm almost confusing myself with it.
So. I love challenges because they make me write stuff, and despite all the high-pitched noises I make around December 20, I really do love participating in both dwnoga and yuletide. Today, I also put the stories up on my own site.
Why do birds sing so gay, written for
edie22. Two rings to make fools of them all.
strangeplaces doubleagent linkdwnoga link yuletide
Fumarole, written for
astolat. Coldfire. One of the places where his world changed. R.
strangeplaces doubleagent linkyuletide link Snow on snow, written for
mtgat. The Wind in the Willows. Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone.
strangeplaces doubleagent linkyuletide link And his name remembered, written for
thamiris. Classical mythology. From one existence to another.
strangeplaces doubleagent linkyuletide link All of this was so much fun to write, even though working on Fumarole and WDBSSG right after each other was a bit of a whiplash experience. I owe huge mad thanks to everyone who pre-read the stories and said encouraging things, and in fact to everyone who didn't strangle me every time I opened my virtual mouth to say something about recalcitrant boyband members and/or purple zombie hands, but most especially to
merryish, and
elynross, who I would swear were all half living in my brain towards the end there. Thank you so, so much, lovely people. :)
and now I can finally let this come up as my current music! heh.