Strangers are just people who haven't lied to you yet

Aug 18, 2006 13:23

Today is my king kongs birthday! Yay go King Kong!!!!

Can you believe i'm still on jerrell. I thought I was over this but no. I gave in again. He said he loved me. And lil ol me.. Oh he changed, he changed. But did he really? no. I hate to fall into the category of the female who leaves the good guy for the asshole ex-boyfriend. But I do. I had somebody who treated me good and didn't bullshit. But as soon as jerrell merely showed an ounce of care for me, I came running back with open arms. But guess what, as soon as i came back, "oh you changed. I don't trust you, I don't wanna be in a relationship with you" I saw that coming a mile away but I still entrusted my heart with him again. He's a great guy, He treats a girl right. I just never happened to be worth enough to him for that treatment. All I wanted was him but he never understood that.

Guys are just players waiting to happen. And girls are bitches. But I start school soon and turn 18 soon too. I got enough time to worry about that. Till then i'm gonna just focus on school and make new friends. Just friends. I thought i wanted a relationship but I was so wrong. Love doesn't exist. Just lust and force of habit.

But today is my king kongs birthday and all I wanna think about is her and My bestest friend in the world... Karencita Callamullo.
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