Striving for perfection only makes you focus on your imperfections.

Mar 13, 2014 16:07

It's funny how a personality trait that many people will boast about having will actually be the worst trait to have. Having your expectations met is irrational and can only cause one to be discouraged and disappointed. Those who strive for perfection tend to close themselves off to new ideas and others for help. I've gone down this path many times before. It really is impossible to cultivate success completely on your own, no matter what venture it may be.

I often try to remember that not being perfect is the most humane thing you can do for yourself. You don't need to hide your inadequacies when you stop trying to be perfect. You are fine right where you are. And many times after you've accepted this you'll also be fine with how other people are too (in a sense where you don't have to agree, but you are unaffected), it is only then you can really focus on your own happiness and creating something that is more honest and a direct reflection of who you are at the time.

Even writing this there is a small voice in my head fearing how many eyes would scan it.. judge it.. judge me as a character. This is the type of fear that has held me back from a lot of things. Even though realistically less than 10 people will read this, it still unsettles me. Yet, the best work for anything is when you're completely honest and transparent, and open ended to the results. It also helps to realize that your completed work is not yours to fall in love with. It was a part of you that you have let go and now you can do the next thing better.. and better.. and it becomes a cycle of failures and successes until ultimately you feel like you've grown through your own potential, and that is the definition of success and living.

The best thing a man can do for himself is to trust his heart OPENLY and follow it, all the way to the end.
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