"Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?" - John Cusack in High Fidelity

Sep 08, 2002 00:44

this list is totally Gen- X

top 5 songs of the summer that were fun to drive around to

1. tupac- every city we go (see the same ho)
2. Ludacris - Move bitch
3. smashing pumpkins - 1979
4. Notorious B.I.G. - Big pappa
5. H.I.M. - Right here in my arms

top 5 songs of the summer were fun to mosh to (tear up your room)

1. Sinai Beach - On and off switch
2. God Forbid - Broken Promise
3. GlassJAw - Tip your bartender
4. Chimaira - this present darkness
5. deftones - head up

top 5 songs I listened to this summer whenever I was sad

1. Shun - michael in the reign
2. GlassJAw - trailerpark jesus
3. GlassJAw - everything you ever wanted to know about silence
4. Atmosphere - santa clause
5. Deep Puddle Dynamics - June 26th, 1998

top 5 songs of the summer that gave birth to major nostalgia

1. genuwine - same ol g
2. rappin 4-tay - the players club
3. the juliana theory - duane joseph
4. boyz 2 men - yesterday
5. Ben E. King - stand by me

top 5 MOVIES that made me the man I am today.. (in other words- they fucked with my head when I was younger)

1. Never Ending story
2. Return to OZ
3. Labrynth
4. Friday the 13th part 8. Jason goes to Manhatten
5. Dot and the Kangeroo (the 'bunyip' was a bad ass mofo. though I hated that thing. I remember the day I was able to watch that whole scene al lthe way through without hiding under my blankets.. I told everyone I saw taht day. of course they didnt care but damn wuz I a proud 6 year old)

this is a small portion of my much larger list. yes..it is inspired (hell you can even say its been ripped off) by the close to most perfect movie of all time "High Fidelity". its not pefect because John Cusack gets back with his ex girlfriend 3/4's of the way through the movie. anyway..if you havnt seen the movie..john cusacks character narrows every subject in his life into an all time, desert island top 5 list.. including top 5 bad break-ups (which is what the movie revolves around) most of the top 5 lists revolve around music though

If you havnt seen the movie its great..its what all guys do after a bad break-up. seriously its the truth.. besides questioning your own self worth you wonder what you did wrong... "why the other guys and not me?" yea..if u havnt been through one of those phases yet, you will.

this movie is also fuckin funny as hell

but anyway..this was also just a space filler cuz I havnt made a real public entry that was left public in a long time.

1. Would you let Blade take your daughter to her Senior Prom?

2. If Acclaim gave you 10,000 dollars to name your child turok, would you do it?
-hell no.. turok isnt even a good game. I'd name my son sub-zero or metroid anyday over turok

3. lets say you get caught by a terrorist. he's not your average terrorist though. he likes to torture people in unusual ways. anyways, one day, he says "i'm going to torture you". he asks if you want to smell mel gibson's left toe for two hours, or let christina aguilera queef in your face 7 times. what would you choose?
-man what the fuck dude. I'll have to say aguilera...

4. one hour of POD or one hour of Nelly. which is worse?
-POD. I've already sat through countless hours of Nelly whenever i hung out with Osvaldo and Cristian Torres

5. what weapon could best represent you personality wise? (if you don't understand this one, skip it)
-a shank stick

6. your friend wants you to have sex with your coworker. your coworker is decent looking, but is as a dumb as "Nagoogie". what do you do?
-You didnt even answer this one yourself chris. so I shall not answer this one

7. no question for 7. numerically racist againt 7, or just too lazy to make one for it? you decide how i was feeling about this one and why you think that. (hint: there is a real answer to this.)
-obviously racist agaisnt it. if you were lazy to make number 7 you wouldve just replaced question #8 with 7. unless you acidently skipped this number and only realized u skipped it once u completed the whole survey. so u were too lazy to switch al lthe numbers around.

hmm.. ok so u were too lazy to make a 7. thats my final answer

8. you have 2 roommates. they hate each other soo much.. anyways, one day, you see your roomate putting holes in your other roommates condoms. he sees that you saw him and offers to pay you off with (insert the best thing you want right here). what do you do?
- I'd take wut he was gonna give me and when he isnt looking I'll jsut replace the damaged condoms with new ones. we all win. I get the best thing I want. my roomate thinks he is messing with my other roomate and my other roomate still gets to enjoy safe sex.

9. is it ok to make deragatory statements about yourself?

10. lets say you live in a town with two video stores. theres this real neat movie you want to watch. the 1st video store has the dvd version of it, however, the sound is REALLY fuct up. on the other hand, the 2nd video store has the VHS version. the sound is great, however, the tape doesn't play properly, and it goes into black and white half the time. what movie do you pick?
-DVD. yes also there are subtitles/captions. and I dont watch my movies very loud anyway since i usually watch them at 3AM.

11. you're talking to someone online, and they send you their pic. however, they look horrendous, like something that accidentally crawled from uglypeople.com. would you keep conversing with them? honestly now.
-honestly.. if they were fun to talk to yes. usually people arent very fun to talk to online anyway so I dont go on aim to converse very much anymore.

12. you go to hollywood right? anyways, you know how they got those stars on the floor? you rub one for fun, and a genie pops out. he tells you.. aights kid, i'm not a real genie, but i do grant one thing: one night with your fav celeb to do whatever you want. who do you choose? (i would choose doctor quinn, the medicine women)
-if this is a one time only thing then I'd pick Alley Bagget. If there was a chance for a relationship..hmm..allyson hannigan..wooha.

13. if you knew the antichrist was a 3 year old baby, would you kill the antichrist to save the world?
-if it was the anti-christ fo shoz then yes. whoever said "no" is a panzy.. c'mon the world is at stake here..if you said 'no' I should kill you along with the anti-christ.. just kidding. anyway yes. if I was going to kill the baby I'd throw it off a cliff or an airplane or something.. I think thats the best way to off someone. Let gravity do all the work and you wont get blood on your hands.

14. love.

quick.. the first thing that came to mind when you read that.
-honestly my mind went blank.

15. hate

do the same thing.
-sorry, I was still stuck on 'love'

16. for dudes. what is your nickname for your penis? i know you all have a nickname.
-peter tan

17. for chicks.. whats so special about someone going down on you?

18. which is better? circumcized or uncircumcized?
-I dont know dude, why dont you tell me.

19. if a veterenarian offered to circumcize your dog/cat/iguana, etc.. would you have it done? he's your homie, so he'll do it for free
-first of all.. anyone who circumsizes animals ISNT my homie. who knows what kinda shit he does at home..man.. anyway..he can be an aquaintence.. and if its for free..yes..but I'll have to be there so he doesnt put any moves on my pets.

20. do you think bob barker is circumcized? what about bob sagat?
-they are white..so most likely. Bob Sagat is funny. He hosted Americas funniest home videos, starred in Full House and directed Dirty Work. I wish he was my dad.

21. i have a queen and an ace. i got nice cards. :). what card game am i playing?
-Pasoy Dos? (s/c)

22. whats more shameful.. or son as a pro wrestler, or your son a member of bbmac?
-since everyone else said bbmac I'll just say prowrestler for the hell of it. besides..i dont want a son who can kick my ass. atleast in bbmac he can still get alot of chicks

peace and turntable platter grease


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-12:44 AM Sunday September 08-
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