Sadly I only ever seem to have time to write when most of LJ is on holiday but I'm still very glad I got to spend some quality tv time today. Season 2 is neat isn't it?
I loved every moment of Tyrion, especially the sacking of Janos Slynt. I loved the scene in the book as well. Instead of just waiting and wondering like Ned, Tyrion sees the problem and removes it quickly and efficiently.
Also loved his interaction with Varys. It's so good for Varys to finally have a proper playmate.
Ah, and Asha Greyjoy!! I love Asha, she's one of my favorite characters in the books and I can totally see why Balon likes her over Theon (not that Balon is much of a judge of character).
Sam and Gilly were also nice. I love how Sam works. Sam is in his fear of horrors often more brave than the people around him, who don't fear the horrors that much and hence let them happen.
Arya's story is moving on and I liked her first scene with Jaqen H'ghar (the two coloured prisoner) .
I was not too fond of what the things they changed in comparison to the books though. There was the scene with Rose and I think we already got before that that Littlefinger is a dangerous creep and that babykilling is not a nice thing to do. And the other addition if I am remembering everything right is the thing with Melisandre and Stannis. They wrote out Shireen (Stannis' daughter from the books, she is a sad little girl with some disfiguring illness that constantly plays with her morbid mad fool Patchface) and they wrote in sex between Melisandre and Stannis (if I don't remember wrong).The scene on the map was kinda powerful but isn't there already enough fairly pointless sex in the show? It really doesn't fit with the character to me. Stannis is honourable to the point of complete stupidity. He really would not break his vows and would regard anyone who does with complete contempt.
Also WTF with killing off Rakharo?!? Why? He was a good character on the show and he does not die in the books.
Wish they would have stuck with the books, the episode was great were they did.
Spoilerwarning for the comments though.