Stay At Home Mom Day

Apr 11, 2011 16:11

Today I stayed at home to help Don out with The Plague. My job is not going to be happy about all the time I've missed, but I'm looking for a new one anyway and already have someone to be my reference from this job... So they can suck it.

I felt so productive this morning! I folded and put away all of the laundry, cleaned & vacuumed downstairs, vacuumed the stairs (they really needed it!), washed every dish in the house, washed the baby (who was soaked anyway after "helping" me with the dishes), vacuumed the bedroom, applied to a bunch of jobs online, and cut the kiddo's bangs (I'm still trying to even out her kid-mullet). I haven't touched the middle room and the bedroom needs some de-cluttering, but I made a LOT of headway. I also spent a good hour catching up with my Mom, which was great since I haven't talked to her in ages.

Also, Fraggle Rock is on Watch It Now.

Days like today, full of making my surroundings look better and enjoying hugs and kisses and snuggles (and not enjoying some fussies, but that's toddlerhood) from Rhys really made me miss being a stay-at-home mom. I can see how I could easily get bored, but that's what Barnes & Nobles (weekly story time!), the park, and potential mom groups are for. Do the have a mom groups for moms with tattoos and a penchant for microbrews? I'd settle for moms that don't wear J Crew and like half of the music I do.

Rhys is devouring her sodium intake for the week and greatly enjoying her Ramen (poor week, remember?) with a little chili powder mixed in. This morning she had a dried fruit leather, whole wheat toast, and peanut butter. Slightly healthier. Tonight we'll have chicken and whatever vegetables I can manage to shove down her gullet.

This afternoon I really want to spend some time (OHMYGODHOWGORGEOUSISIT?!) outside. Yesterday I busted out Rhys' seasonal clothes, including a bunch of hand-me-downs that were huge on her when we got them. Just in freakin' time! Most of them are 18-mo or 2T, which is exactly where she is at. The rest are 3T, which will definitely fit her through the summer. Awesome!

Can I quit my job tomorrow? Please?

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