OOC: Log - Genis, Laharl, Raine and Zelos!

Jan 26, 2008 21:50

WHO: Genis, Laharl, Raine and Zelos.
WHAT: Genis and Laharl getting arrested!
WHEN: Um. A few days ago? Wednesday, I think.
WHERE: Meltokio, Tethe'alla, Tales of Symphonia fandom.
WHY: Because logging is fun! 8D
HOW: Paragraphs?

Rated b for brats. I doubt you were there?

Genis had no idea how they'd ended up in this situation. Or, he did -- he was the one who had suggested leaving the house to explore the city with Laharl. He had known that half-elves were hated here, and that there was a reason they had to remain inside, and despite their disguises it really wasn't too surprising that they had ended up being arrested. Still, he really, truly couldn't believe it.

Currently he was seated on a tiny bench in the very corner of their cell, legs pulled up to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around them. He was in so much trouble. So much trouble. Either they were going to be sent off to work at some mine, or they were going to be saved by Zelos. He wasn't sure which was worse. The last possibility was that Laharl ended up killing everyone, but he was trying not to dwell too much on that possibility. He'd told him not to. Hopefully he would listen.

"Hey," he said, glancing up briefly. Up until then, he had been too busy angsting to really talk. "If we're saved, it was all your fault, okay?," he insisted. "You dragged me into this. You suggested it. I only left the house to make sure you were okay," he continued, despite knowing that these were all lies. The idea had been his in the first place. "Otherwise Nee-san will kill me!"

Laharl looked over at Genis from where he was seated, slumped against the cell's bars. "I'm not going to take the blame for this!" he told him, angry at their situation. He had already done as he had been asked, not killing -- or destroying -- their way out of this. He certainly wasn't going to make it seem as if all this were his fault. While it was unfair and neither of them were really guilty of anything, Genis had known the risk of going out in public, and Laharl wasn't going to forgive him so easily for dragging him into this.

"But she can't yell at you!" Genis pointed out, standing up now, because it was easier to argue while they were face to face. Well, as close to face to face as they could get without him getting up on the bench and standing there -- which was tempting. He hated being shorter than everyone. "She doesn't even know you! And you can just leave as soon as we're out of here! She'll kill me."

The guard outside the cell banged hard on the door with his fist. "Shut up in there, half-elf!"

Laharl stood up and turned to snap at the guard. "Oi, you mind your own business!" He faced Genis again, replying, "You make a mess, face the consequences of it! It's not like she can actually kill you or anything. Or are you afraid of your big sister spanking you?"

There was a muffled conversation from outside the door. "Beggin' yer pardon, Chosen, sir, but half-elves don't have visitation rights."

"Guess what?" Zelos responded, voice cold. "They do now. Because I said so. You want to complain, go ahead and do it formally. But right now, I'm ordering you to get out of my way."

"Er--right, sir, but this half-elf here--"

"Is the legal guardian of the half-elf in there, and is still entitled to be involved in anything dealing with her brother. And anyways, I say so. Now unlock the damned door and go."

The guard mumbled something, there was the jangling of keys, and then the lock clicked and the door swung open.

Raine stepped right past Zelos, marching into the cell with a dangerous, but worried, look on her face. She only stopped when she was looming over her brother, arms crossed. "Genis." Her voice could cut glass.

At the sound of Zelos' voice, Genis had sat back down on the bench, pushing as far into the corner as he could get. That meant his sister was most likely there as well, and either way, he was in a lot of trouble. He wanted to hide.

"Nee-san," he said once she entered the cell, glancing up at her and looking about as terrified as he felt. "I... It wasn't my fault! I had to protect him!" He pointed at Laharl.

"You," Zelos said, pointing to Genis. "All three of you. Shut up. Let's get back to my place before we talk, because this is going to hit the gossip sheets as it is, and I really don't want to give them more crap."


Raine stood once again in front of Genis, arms at her side curled into fists. "You were told not to leave Zelos's manor, and you knew what could happen!"

"I know!" Genis was slumped together, standing in front of her and staring at his feet. He'd been dreading this the entire walk back from the jail. "But like I said, I had to protect him!" Again he pointed accusingly at Laharl.

"Hey!" Laharl cried out indignantly. "Quit making stuff up!" He didn't give a damn if Genis was spanked if this was how he acted.

"Genis." It was a definite indication of how royally pissed-off Zelos was that he was using Genis's name, and not something like 'hey, you' or 'kiddo' or 'brat'. "You are seriously in some deep, deep crap. Do you even realize what could have happened?"

"Would have been better than being saved by you," Genis muttered. He realised he should appreciate what Zelos did for them more, but he really didn't like the man. And he really wasn't going to stand there and let Zelos yell at him. His sister was bad enough!

"Genis Sage. Do you know what would have happened if Zelos had not saved you?" Raine asked, tone dangerous. She smacked his face hard, hand shaking as his cheek turned red. "You would have died, Genis. They would have killed you."

"Oh, they could have done a lot worse than that," Zelos added quietly. "The Exsphere mines in Toize Valley are really unpleasant. And Syback's university has a lot of academic interest in magic. All sorts of powerful half-elves find homes there in the labs."

Genis seemed to lose all his courage when his sister smacked him, one hand coming up to rub at his sore cheek. "I-I know that!!" he defended himself, looking first at Raine and then Zelos. "And I guessed that! It's not like I was trying to cause trouble!"

"Yeah, well, guess what? You did." Zelos had been leaning against the back of a couch, but he stood up straighter now and pointed an angry, accusing finger at Genis. "I explained Tethe'allan politics to you. I figured that, hey, kid genius that you're supposed to be, you'd understand what I'm putting on the line right now to help Colette. But, no, you go and get arrested while I'm in the middle of talking with the king to figure out a way to get Colette's soul back. What would have happened if someone had been hurt? A Tethe'allan citizen? A guard? You guys--all of you--would have been detained, and I wouldn't be able to step in because I'm hosting you in the first place."

"I was doing my best to keep that from happening!" Genis objected, looking at Laharl again. He'd been surprised when the demon had actually listened to him and refrained from killing, although Genis had been pretty pissed of as well. "I just-- I shouldn't have to hide!"

"Life's unfair," Zelos ground out. "The system here is unfair. Cry more."

"If something is unfair, I-I'm not just going to accept it!" Genis objected.

"There's nothing wrong with that Genis, but if you want things to change, you need to think first," Raine said sternly. "You will thank Zelos now for helping you."

"I-I don't think we can change how these people think!" Genis said, just a hint of resentment in his voice. He couldn't believe how hated he was just because of who his parents happened to be. He looked up at Zelos. "Sure. Thanks."

Zelos sighed and ran a hand through his long red hair, pushing it off his forehead and away from his eyes. "Whatever," he replied, turning to go. "You're welcome. Just don't do it again. Raine, I'm heading back out. I left Sheena at the castle, and she's crap at dealing with all those nobles when they get on her back."

"Thank you, Zelos. Genis may not appreciate what you've done, but..." Raine sighed.

He lifted his hand and waved once in acknowledgment as he left.

Raine turned to Genis, eyes narrowed. "Go to bed."

Raine turned to Genis, eyes narrowed. "Go to your room, Genis." She looked at Laharl. "Laharl, is it? It's not my house, but I'm sure Zelos would allow you to stay as well."

Laharl regarded Genis' sister carefully, after being silent for so long. This whole situation was ridiculous, but he supposed the worst was over. "That would be good," he replied.

Genis had nearly forgotten about Laharl, but he turned towards his... friend, he supposed, when his sister mentioned him. "M-My room is this way," he said, still a little unsure. Not to mention, he still didn't feel like he'd been punished enough. He had a feeling there was more coming.

"Uh, okay," Laharl walked over to where Genis was. He was surprised that was all the punishment he had received. Genis had whined at him in jail to save him from a slap and a scolding?


"W-What?" Genis turned towards his sister.

"You aren't leaving the manor again until it's time to leave Meltokio. Regardless of whether the rest of us go out or not." She pointed her finger downward. "And come here."

Genis was about to object. She couldn't make him stay inside all the time! But he shut up when she added that last bit, hesitating for a long moment before walking over to her. He knew what that meant.

With a swift move, Raine lifted Genis under her arm, his bum facing outwards. She then proceeded in his ultimate and most common punishment. She spanked his butt. Repeatedly.

Genis might have cried out, just a little -- his ass hurt. Mostly though, it was just embarrassing to have that done to him right in front of Laharl.

When she finished, Raine set him down on the ground. "Now go to your room," she ordered.

Laharl tried to stifle his laughter a bit after he watched Genis being spanked. It was priceless, but he figured Genis might snap soon and kill something.

"And don't ever do something like that again," she added, voice cold but shaking.

"I-I won't," Genis said, rubbing his butt with both hands. He glared at Laharl, feeling embarrassed enough as it was -- he could feel that he was blushing. "Sorry."

"Laharl," Raine said, looking at him.

"Huh?" Laharl looked up, composing himself.

"Come here."

He hesistated. "What for?" he demanded.

"I'm not going to hit you," she sighed.

"F-fine," he pouted, and obeyed, approaching her.

She watched him approach, and when he was close enough, her leg rose. With more power than one might have thought possible, she jammed her foot at his stomach, kicking him across the room.

He hit a wall and fell to the floor with a groan. Laharl staggered to his feet, wincing. "You liar!"

"I didn't lie. I did not hit you."

"You hit me with your FOOT," Laharl replied.

"You are just as at fault here as Genis," she said. "And it wasn't a 'hit,' it was a 'kick'."

"What did I do wrong?!"

"You were an accomplice," she replied.

"He didn't even tell me this might happen! Dammit, Genis!" Laharl turned to glare at him.

"I told you it was dangerous!" Genis objected immediately.

"I thought you meant like atttacking monsters dangerous!" Laharl replied.

"I even explained that the reason we had to listen to Zelos and stay inside was because of his political influence! That should have told you it wasn't just monsters!!"

"What would political influence have to do with danger?" Laharl asked.

"I can't believe you're even asking that after what just happened!" So maybe Genis was taking his frustration out on Laharl now.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so damn vague in your warnings!" Laharl was annoyed. Genis gets them arrested and it's his fault?

"The both of you, enough," Raine snapped. "Laharl, there is an empty guest room next to Genis's. You will stay there."

"Fine," Laharl crossed his arms and waited for Genis to lead the way.

Raine rubbed her forehead with her fingers.

"Fine!" Genis said as well, glaring at Laharl before heading towards their rooms, merely opening the door into Laharl's before disappearing into his own.

"I need to go lie down," Raine sighed, going into her own room, closing the door behind her.

Laharl strode into the guest bedroom, needing some rest himself.
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