Feb 15, 2009 12:52
I expect a lot of strange responses for this one but after cooking after so many people in my life, I'm always surprised by the variety of answers.
What's your favorite food? Drink? I'm feeling a particularly strong desire to make something grand.
i am a chef fear me,
hit me with your best shot,
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I must admit that I have a weak spot for buttermilk biscuits and some cinnamon, cardamom and ginger tea.
It seems tea is quite a popular favorite of many, which is always good to hear. The things it does for your body are always very beneficial.
But I do admit it's been a while since I've made buttermilk biscuits...my mother always did make them best.
Indeed; and it is good for the mind as much as the body. It's a great help through stressful times.
Oh mothers do always have that special touch, I don't know if it's from years of cooking or just that hint of love. My mother was also quite good at them, I have yet to be quite as good with her.
Well said! I just wish people understood its value. While coffee might be a better taste for some, it doesn't really help your body in the long run..
I think you can always taste the difference between the food of a professional chef and a loving mother. It's incomparable.
Oh no, not at all. It was always a bit too bitter for my tastes, and to make it manageable requires too many additions of sugar and creme.
Very much so. You start to miss even those dishes that would take her forever to get you to eat. Oh my, I was such a picky eater when I was younger. I'm sure I exasperated her quite a lot.
I think it really depends on what kind of person you are. I've noticed a lot of dedicated workers seem to find more comfort in caffeine...perhaps it keeps them awake longer?
I do admit to being picky when I was young, but weren't' we all? Oh, I'm Adrian Andrews, by the way. My apologies fro the late introduction.
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