OK, "adventure" is a strong word.
The one and only location for early voting in Los Angeles county is in Norwalk, which is about twenty-five miles south of my house. Luckily, traffic wasn't a problem so the drive was only a half an hour.
As I walk towards the polls, a guy in the parking lot tells me the wait is four hours. I smile, nod, and say "thanks" as I keep walking. In return I get a scowl and shaking of the head so there's no question he thinks I'm an idiot. Meh. Lots of people think that, and this guy's opinion of me certainly isn't going to dissuade me from voting. Besides, he was wrong. It took five hours.
Highlights were:
- Exchanging the ballot card for a number. This means you can sit in the tent that smells like moldy dirt instead of standing in line outside like you did for the first 2-1/2 hours. Now you're waiting for them to print up your ballot envelope.
- Every 45 minutes or so someone yells "BINGO!" when their number is called. It's only funny the first time you hear it.
- The was a huge hubbub when they called number "666".
- One of the EZ-up tents blew over
- It actually thundered. Then it rained. Really rained -- not that wispy stuff that makes most people out here think they're going to melt.
- The power in the tent went out. I suspect a GFI breaker flipped. That speaker was drenched.
- Power came back and we waited some more.
Finally it was over. What I don't like about it is that the early voting ballot is exactly the same as their mail-in absentee ballots. I'm suspicious about the lack of anonymity in that system. Not that it really makes a difference at this point, but I'm not thrilled that my ballot is in a sealed envelope with my name and address on it.
Now Tuesday just needs to hurry up so the whole thing will be over and done.