Courtesy of
invisigoth510 :
pick up the nearest book, no cheating!
open to page 123.
locate the 5th sentence.
post the next 3 sentences on your blog and in so doing...
tag 5 people and acknowledge who tagged me.
This is a Spanish language novel about a young, pre-Columbian Mayan boy I found in a thrift store. (I'm trying to make those four years of classes worthwhile.) It's allegedly recognized by a Guatemalan writing competition, but I find it rather dull, choppy, and info-dumpy.
1) 3-Caban, by Mauricio del Pinal
2) No chapter numbers in this one
3) Los dioses tienen múltiples aspectos y son capaces tanto del bien como del mal. Aunque ellos son susceptibles a la persuasión humana, en el último análisis, los dioses son impredecibles. La muerte es también muy humana y traicionera.
4) Translation ala Lisa: The gods have many aspects, and are as capable of good as they are evil. While they can be subject to human persuasion, ultimately they are unpredictable. Death is a very treacherous and human thing.
I'm skipping the tag thing cause I'm a mostly friendless, antisocial person. Hee!