Aug 31, 2008 19:50
The hurricane will hit tonight. The largest evacuation in the history of the U.S. is taking place 90 miles from my house. I will miss you, New O. I'm just sad. Scared, and sad. I know Baton Rouge will be fine, i just don't do well when i see so many people suffering. I know we'll be fine...and life will return to normal in a few days. I just keep thinking about how many people are sleeplessly worrying that their house will be destroyed twice in just a three year span. It feels like we all just barely made it through Katrina.
i feel like crying. I've felt like crying all day, i just haven't. It's one of those things where you want feel like it..but its like you almost don't have a right. I don't live there, i have no family there. The times that i've visited, and the friends that i have there are the only memories that i hold in the far corners of my mind. i see everyone freaking out, stocking up on gas, food, taping the windows..etc. It makes us all nervous.
and what will they do about that city? my heart wants to believe that they'll re-build it twice, my mind knows that they'll clean it up, and then let whatever's left stay and whoever has something to go home to, go home.
I remember watching tv three years ago,..a battery powered tv during Katrina.. and seeing the flood damage. How the whole city was just ...under water. It broke my heart.
I remember driving down segian lane shortly after..tons upon tons of people in BR...i looked to my right-at a redlight- and saw a lady in her car just paniced and crying profusly..holding a map of BR upside down. It was then i knew,her home was gone. Being lost in our city was all she could take.
Tons, and tons of people..breaking down..everywhere. At the grocery store, at school, at the bank, at my boyfriend ( at the time's) house..
never in my life had i seen so many tears.
i hate feeling like theres nothing i can do.
May God be with us all.
"O Jesus, in our greif and despair,
Destroy death and conquer evil
That we maywalkin in a spirit of hope
And the newness of life once again
O Jesus, in our suffering and pain
Extend your healing hand
That the health of mind, body and spirit
May be restored to the fullness of life
O Jesus, in our hunger and thirst
Feed us with your precious Body and Blood
That our longing hearts may be satisfied
and our empty spirits be filled to overflowing
O Jesus, in our fear and doubts,
Stop the winds and scatter the darkness
That we may see your majesty and power
as a beacon of hope
O Jesus, in our anger and impatience,
Calm all violence and hostilities
and bathe us in the serenity of your peace
that we may have the courage to endure
O Jesus, all our trust and hope is in you.
Hear our prayer, Amen"
St. Michael High School, Prayer for hurricane Katrina ( Gustov) Victims, August 29th, 2005.