Slings and Arrows almost makes me wish, almost , that I cared for straight theatre and Shakespeare and artsy stuff. Almost. For now I just like slings and arrows. Thanks
Unrelated- I may not be the connaisseur of music video games that some folks on my
thedanlist, I mean friends list, I've just been introduced to the genre through GHIII for our
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In case you're wondering, I have PS2 versions if GH and GHII, plus xbox versions of GHII, GHIII and Rock Band. I actually have 4 plastic guitars in my apartment, to become 5 as soon as they release the additional GHIII guitars for the xbox.
My one concern about Rock Band is the noise the drums make, particularly carrying it through to your downstairs neighbors. I actually had mine come bang on my door (For quite some time, ahem!) last weekend, though to be fair we had the sound way up and were going quite nuts to "Brain Power".
thedan is right about Portal; Very fun. Possibly not fun enough to by a 360 on its own for though, especially if you have a gaming PC that's < 2-3 years old.
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