Aug 29, 2008 13:14
Alyssa Lei Edgecombe
Dark blonde
Full formed, softness belies an athelete's strength
Born to regularity
But normal never does work out too well.
Lyss had always preferred plants to people. Plants had few demands, always did what was expected of them, and for almost no effort, produced wonderful things. Her home was covered in them, vines crawling up the walls, bushes, grasses, flowers, trees. Indoors and out. There was always an earthy smell, sometimes accented with the heady scent of a new blooming season, about her. Trapped in the lengths of her hair.
She had thrown her life into her plants, summoning up her few but vast stores of energy to pamper them. Only a few things could rouse her from her lazy lackadaisy. Plants and softball, mostly.
And that had always been fine for her, to live alone in a little cottage that looked more like it had grown than been built.
Then, one day, she'd gotten herself ill, and had to escort herself- for plants can't really escort anyone anywhere- to the hospital. Slowly.
And that was where she'd met the third thing that moved her. The idea of it makes her giggle like a ten year old. She met a man-shaped plant.
Lazy, uncaring of the world around him, just drifting along the current of life, like her. Hair like pines, and eyes like the grass. A voice that only ever spoke softly, filled with the goodness of his nature.
He hadn't been her attending doctor, but he'd stopped by her room occasionally, maybe friends with the woman watching over Lyss's recovery. It didn't matter why, the point was, he was there. And now, as she snipped a few wayward, diseased leave from a bush, and plucked a trailing bunch of flowers from it, she knew he'd be there again. She wove the blooms into her hair as she made ehr way to the car, waiting at the end of the drive.
"You look like Nature herself." he ssaid, and once again, she laughed.
"Then you must be my consort, made of leaves and herbs."
absinthe atalp,
alyssa edgecombe