Aug 21, 2007 21:51
Much has been going on that I haven't posted about.
I "got Gord married off safely" (as my mother puts it)
I got The Wussiest Strep Throat Ever - where instead of it kicking my ass, taking my wallet, and making long distance calls on my cell-phone... it kicked me a few times and ran off. (I am proud of this metaphor, btw. Shutit.)
I got my Bike Fixed! (Thanks Sara! Thanks Adrian!) And biked all the way to Assiniboine Park and back... from Sara and Adrian's place.
Patrick went on a Cleaning Frenzy at the apartment. Somewhat in echo of mine... but bigger. So I guess the 'echo' idea breaks down a bit.
Gord and Dora brought back a 'lil something from Legoland for me! (yarr! I now have a pirate sword to go with the eye-patch someone else brought back for me. You folks all rock!)
And the folks downstairs finally got in a fight big enough for him to call the cops on her.
Then she came back after getting out of jail in the mornin' and kicked in his window (that would be YOUR old window, Gord). No broken glass, just the screen frame is smashed to bits and there may be other damage outside we don't know about yet. Patrick was home, I missed it. (more on where I was, below)
...and then TODAY I decided to bike to work. That was stupid.
Some of you who know me may know about Me and Fog. Me and Fog do not get along. Me and Fog go way back. Me + Fog + Destination = Me + Fog + "Where the heck am I?".
It was frikkin' Brigadoon I tells ya'. Once a year on a certain Tuesday morning the Fog rolls in and a whole new subdivision appears INSIDE Lindenwoods. A magical Subdivision, that will spit you out somewhere around Wilkes. Multiple Times.
I got to work on time. But it was a very near thing. The fog had let up enough for me to juuust make out the outline of Safeway when I got to Lindenwoods Proper and was at the closest point to The Box Store Land. All I knew was it wasn't the Mega-church on Wilkes, so I pedaled towards it like a madman. By the time I got to work, despite my jacket, I was soaked. Fog is only cool if you are a Stationary Object. Or Have Nowhere In Particular you are trying to get to. I can get Nowhere In Particular faster than just about anybody under such conditions.
I still maintain this was a better plan than trying to bike down Waverly in fog during morning rush hour, with no lights. Coming home took a half an hour.