ah, if only.....
Mr. Neil Gaiman's Web Elf has informed the word that
Terri Windling is selling her house. Oh, would that I had
Seriously. Follow the links. The house is gorgeous.
In other house-related news, my grandparents are beginning the move out of their home in Dauphin and into assisted living. It's kind of scary for me, I can only imagine how they feel.
And their small bungalow house, with the huge second-lot garden out back - the house that I've known for my whole life, is going to be sold, along with the memories attached, feels like.
It has me sad. Like, no more visits to Dauphin, and rambling along the side of the creek? Or gardening potatoes and raspberries and corn and beets and asparagus and all things yummy and/or green? How can I reconcile that in my head?
And scarier is that I know my other Grandma is likely to move out of her house soon, too. The giant old house in Minnedosa with the plaster walls and the secret storage room under the eaves, and the dining room that's held 4 generations at one time. And now has again this past weekend, now my cousins have children.