thoughtful dreamings bring me conscious, sometimes

Feb 14, 2006 03:19


woken by harsh dreams
marble aspects leave me cold
comfort nonetheless


not bad dreams. Just 'hard' ones. In the physical sense of the word. Imagine sleeping on rocks, only in the mental thought-process form. I've slept on rocks, it's the exact same feeling. One can do it. If done right, it can even be made comfortable. It isn't, however, the same comfort as a warm down comforter and a nice mattress, with multiple pillows thrown in for good measure. Considering that is what I'm actually sleeping on, the mental bedrock-feeling is slightly comedic... in a black-humoured sort of way.

So I'll slip back to bed shortly, and hope that the shadows and I can settle to more pampering, creature-comfort type thought patterns for the rest of the night. The point has been made, stage set, the 'message delivered', or whateverall one wants to make of 'heavy' dreams. I can wrestle with phantom realities and subconscious rearrangements again some other time, enough of that has gone on tonight, you hear?

heh. Talking to onesself, traditionally not supposed to be a good sign, but I suppose that's what journals of any sort are for. This one even has the added delusion that it's written that other people might read it.
Guess what? It's not. It's written for me!
[inserting faux-megalomaniacal laughter] : Baaahahahaha!!

tangent - dream says: just a reminder, yes you are a ruthless, vicious soul when it comes down to the necessities of you-and-yours. Now just don't be too ruthless with yourself.


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