Et moi?

Dec 17, 2007 22:34

this entry is four years old. wow. how we change so much...
though some things are still true.

I want to take off this mask with the fake smile. And rip out my plastic heart.
I’m afraid to cry. If I do I’ll just lose it. I’d drown in my tears.
I'm waiting for my prince charming. I’ve been waiting. It won’t ever happen.
I‘m completely lost.
I laugh about things and cover them all up with lies in order to hide the tears in my eyes
I like to create and destroy beautiful things. It gives me some weird satisfaction.
J’aime un pauvre garçon. Il est mon ami. My best.
My family hates each other. It tears me apart, but I pretend it doesn’t.
I want someone to look at the star filled night and think of me.
I cling on to people for emotional support in order to stop me from…
I don’t do any drugs. I don’t even drink coffee. I chew my nails.
I want to get out of here before I lose my mind…
I want to have happy dreams, not the same nightmare that always haunts me.
I don’t know how to show my emotions. I hate the word “feelings”
Love is so cliché.
I have a fear of swallowing pills and my teeth falling out. I love injections.
I’m make-believing that I have a soul beneath the surface
I’d rather be a bitch than be an ordinary broken heart
Can you extract me from my plastic fantasy?
I want a coin-operated boy with a pretty coin operated voice saying that he loves me.
That he’s thinking of me.
I hate sappy songs about sex and cheating and bland accounts of two lovers meeting
I'm so full of love, it deeply sickens me.
All I can do is close my eyes and cross my arms and hope to die.
I hate my reflection.
I've given up on social niceties
I hate it when my skin turns into glue around him.
I detach myself from reality.
Most of my day all I do is stare out into space.
I’m on the edge of breaking down
I think I got a lot of friends but I don't hear from them
I'm sorry, I can't be perfect.
I'm impolite and I make fun of everyone
I'm immature and I will stay this way forever
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
I have to scream out my emotions on paper
I’m dramatic, but not a Drama Queen.
I’m compared to the Wicked Witch of the West.
I love horror books full of blood curling screams.
I love singing in the rain.
I hate serious people.
I want to have a room full of piece and quiet.
I’m a resident of an insane asylum.
I’m a rainbow of emotions. I speak my mind.
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