Nov 03, 2004 18:50

wow there's so much shit going on right now. if we would all just shut the fuck up and sit back and relax and listen to Sheryl Crow's "Are you strong enough", the world would be soooo much better. i can't wait till my birthday cuz i need money and i wanna be 16 already!!!! today, krista told me this mad funny story about how the day after halloween last year, this perky ass lady that runs down our street everyday was jogging and she was all happy and jolly and shit. and then she slipped on a smashed pumpkin and busted her ass lol... i wonder if she was jewish, $10 bucks says she was. well bush won the stupid ass election today. i don't understand why people make such a big deal about politics all the time. the bottom line is, bush sucks, kerry sucks, ralph nader is jewish, and we need clinton back in office. clinton was the only good president in these past 2 decades cuz he was the only one who actually did something for our country, but at the same time, kept it real(you know what i mean). so now that bush is president, we get to see more of our people get killed in iraq, and we get to listen to that dumbass give his stupid ass speaches that don't even make sense. but if kerry won, he would have tried to bring everyone back from iraq, and then we just would've had mad terrorist attacks, and then listen to his dumbass boring speaches. here's a question: if you could choose anyone to be president, who would u choose? i would choose anyone that actually had something to do for our country and whose speeches actually make sense. wtf there's never been a woman president or a black president! no wonder why our world is so fucked up now a days. its runned by a bunch of old wrinkly white men who still play chess. but at the same time, if a black man ran it, i'd probably here the word "nigga" an average of at least 10 times in one speech. and if a woman ran it... hmmm maybe a woman should run our country. maybe people would actually listen, i know when my mom tells me to wash the dishes, i listen lol. well its getting kinda late and i'm tired, goodnight everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)
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