Jun 05, 2006 15:55
Isn't it funny how time changes everything? The beginnning of last summer was so much different from the beginning of this summer. I mean it feels like it was a billion years ago.
So much has happened already this summer. I don't know where to begin or if I even want to begin. I might just keep it all to myself just to do so.
I've hung out with Sarah everyday...she's pratically moved in with me. We all went to Kings Island yesturday it was fun. I didn't even fight with Daniel more than 4 times the whole day.
Dustins not talking to me at all. We've had talk after talk and we finally decided to do what we had to do. It was good.
I'm going to be working non stop from now on. Bye bye tan): Ergh!
Last night I had a dream that Eric killed Shawn. It was a weird dream... woke up crying and I don't know why. It was strange. Then later in the dream I was teaching some little girl to spell....lmao...told ya strange.
I'm going to go walk Maddux.....he's getting so big....ya'll call me, I wanna hang out with my friends!