"Not in My City" by Deire (Teen, gen)

Jul 30, 2012 17:43

Title: "Not in My City"
Author: deire
Beta-Reader: None credited
Recipient: WaltD
Prompt: Nick and Vachon, Tracy. "Each has his problems and Nick's is not necessarily LaCroix. They work out a way of dealing with each other and with Tracy."
Length: 3,990 words
Rating/Warnings: Teen and Up. Highlight to view: * No Archive Warnings Apply *
Summary: A vampire starts leaving corpses in Toronto. Nick, Tracy, and Vachon work to stop the perpetrator.

Not in My City

rating: teens and adults, author: deire, character: nick, game: 2012, genre: drama, character: tracy, character: natalie, pairing: tracy/vachon, character: vachon, type: gen

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